Don't let go

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*~(A/N: To those who read this far, thank you. I've been meaning to update but lack of computer hinders me. I'll be typing this out on my phone. Enjoy~!) ~*

You could feel it in your chest with each close presance, every slight touch, or through simple smiles to one another.

You've fallen hard for the neko. He has invaded your heart with those baby blues that made your heart squeeze, that million dollar smile that got your knees weak and his possessiveness could get out of hand at times but you liked that he cares.

"Hero, did you get the green onions like I told you to when we were at the store?" You were rummaging through the bag to find it not there. Strange? Could've sworn it was paid for.


Him and that damn toy. "Hero!" The sound of the toy came before he pops up in the kitchen.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" Bright blues meet yours and for a split second, you forgot why you had called him over. "(Y/N)? You look a little funny?"

Quickly turning away to rummage another grocery bag you speak up. "W-where is the green onions?" Tonight you were making baked chicken which would be soaked in a bag of juice while in the oven.

The male feline shrugged and points to the fridge. "Try there." He crossed his arms leaning aginst the counter top watching your movements.

Alfred's (Hero) POV:

I had picked (Y/N) up something special today. It was a box of chocolates as a thank you for all she's done. She works so hard I think it'll be good for her.

Hopefully she'll understand my feelings. My blue eyes brighten at her reaction, the tail behind me begins to sway excitedly.

She's so cute when she blushes.

Normal POV:

The heart shaped box was a shocker thats for sure. The little card was cute, around the edges were roses mixed with a soft pink color. "To my (Y/N), Thank you for always watching movies with me and making hamburgers. From, Your Hero."

A warm smile tugs at your lips as you read the card to yourself again. A pair of arms snake around your waist from behind. "H-Hero!?" Your face beemed beet red at the sudden burst of affection from your neko. Despite him being like this for a good three months you're not used to his need to hug you all the time.

"Don't push me away." His silk voice whispered in your ear.

If your face could be any redder it'd shame your friend Toni's tomatoes. "Hero, I have to start dinner." To this his grip tightens and his face is burried into your shoulder.

"Do you still not get it?" He pouts feeling a bit hurt. All the subtle hints dropped about his feelings and you are oblivious, or perhaps you're doing this on purpose. He loved you, correction he LOVES you. Can't you see this?

Refusing to answer you were worried about accepting his love. He literally was your plump kitty not long ago even though you tried to talk to Kiku about what all this is you could never understand why you got a such a strange cat. Was he always so special?

*~ Time Skip ~*

After dinner, and cleaning the dishes you sat on the couch and began to read.


So much for a quiet time. There Hero was STILL sulking after you refused to speak a response to his obvious emotions. "Hero please, I'm sorry for upsetting you."

You got no response other than the squeaks of his toy. A sigh passed your lips as you shut the old book settling its pages along the table. "Come here." Opening your arms you knew he loved to be in your arms and get scratched behind the ear. "I miss snuggling my sweetheart."

White ears perk as he peeks over at you still pouting. "No." Going back to fiddling with his toy you end up a bit sad. He's never turned down hugs.

"Oh..okay. I understand that it might be weird like this." Hearing a small gasp you look up to see the blonde rushing over and gathering you up in a big hug. "No no don't make that face! I'm sorry (Y/N)!"

Unable to breath right you tap Hero's arm a few times. Once he got the point the grip loosens, "wh...what face?" You managed to ask while catching your breath.

His ears fell making your heart sink immediately. "The sad one." And again with the arrow through the heart. Unable to stop yourself you blurt out the very words that have been locked away.

"I love you, Hero." A soft gasp passed your lips as you cover up your mouth. Damn his talent for making your mind go blank. Peeking up at the neko he was frozen with a mixture of shock, and...was that excitment?

Next thing you knew his body enveloped yours. "Whoa! H..Hero!" He interrupts "call me Alfred please." He loved the name you gave him but for once he'd be happy to hear his real name on your lips.

"Alfred? Is that your past name?" the shift in his body felt like a nod. "Say it again please (Y/N)" he loved how beautiful your voice sounding saying it.

Averting your gaze you speak as best you could in his bone crushing hug. "A-Al..fred." He pulls away and runs his thumb along your bottom lip, a smile on his own. Tears welded up in those ocean eyes. "Again."

Left in a daze you could feel his breath brush against your face some. "Alfr--" something soft brushes against your lips silencing you. Mere seconds it took for you to respond. All doubts about this flew out the window.

Before you could melt into his embrace anymore he pulls away. "So does this mean were boyfriend, girlfriend?" He grins wide as a dust of pink hits his face.

A bit of laughter escapes from you, "yeah. Boyfriend, girlfriend."

Hero or Alfred as you'd call him now had laced your fingers together as you both sat along the couch. Drifting off at the extra body heat you manage to mumble something before sleep took. "Don't let go okay?"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Sweetheart."

*~(A/N: And that's it! I wanted to keep it simple, I'm sorry if it felt rushed or misplaced here and there. I might reedit this when my computer returns. Thanks to everyone who bothered to read this story. I'm sure I'll come up with more soon.)~*

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