Is This Love?

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Prologue : Melissa Roberts

Your whole life was a big mistake. You hated yourself so much that every day you would take a razor and cut yourself. Inside it felt so good, whereas on the outside it pained so much. It hurt when you looked at your hideous image in the mirror. You felt like breaking it. You've never had somebody or in fact anybody to love you. Your mum left you at a young age because she was a prostitute she never had time for you.It was all about money and strange men evry single night. She had no love for you at all. The last words you remember hearing from her mouth was,

"Melissa, you were always a big fuckin mistake in my life. I was young,stupid and in love and you were born. I should've aborted you then and there. I would have had such a peace life."

It hurts thinking your mother,your OWN  FLIPPIN'  MOTHER thought you were a big mistake. You've never known your father.Probably, because he left at a very young age. You could say your whole life was full of shit.

The only person you knew was your best friend Eleanor Calder. She was the one who understood you and believed in you. She was the one who kept you sane and stopped you from literally killing yourself!

You always wished you could have her life because SHE had a loving family.SHE was a beautiful young lady. SHE had a famous and cute boyfriend. Yeah, her boyfriend was none other than Louis Tomlinson, 1/5 of the pop sensational band in the world. One Direction.

You hated your life so much that you were literally on the verge of killing yourself!

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