"What are you thinking about?" Zayn asked as we walked hand in hand through the city.

I was quiet for a while, thinking about what to answer "Her eyes reminded me so much of my sister"

"They did?" he asked.

"Yeah. So happy and not afraid of anything"

"Hey, don't be sad, babe"

I felt a tingle in my stomach as he called me babe. Maybe he was getting better to this relationship thing? Wow, I can actually say that we're in a relationship now. I have a boyfriend. My first boyfriend!

"I'll buy you an ice cream, okay?"

I realized that I hadn't answered him yet and smiled at the thought that he wanted to buy me ice cream when he was the one without the money.

"You don't have to, Zaynie"

"No, but I want to. Come on" he smiled and tucked at my hand,


We ended up going to the mall and not only eating ice cream, but also going into different shops where I insisted on buying Zayn something he wanted, after denying for about half a hour he finally agreed and dragged me to a music store. I bought him whatever he asked for, and even though it wasn't much, I know he really appreciated it.

We were like twenty meters away from my house now, and we were just talking about everything that came to our minds. He was telling some story about him and Harry as we walked to the door and I was so into it that I didn't noticed the two cars there were back in the garage, so I got surprised when I found my mom and dad waiting for me just inside the door.

"Lucy-Amelia Rose Williams, I will not tolerate you going out a whole day without telling anyone" my dad said with a stern voice, eyes on me until he saw Zayn and our intertwined hands. Zayn was wearing some ripped, black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt wilt a skull on it and his worn leather jacket. He looked kinda bad ass, not something my dad would like.

"Who's that?" he spat with venom and nodded his head at Zayn.

"Hello Mr. Williams, I'm Lucy's partner in drama, we're doing a project together which is why we're holding hands. Just practice" Zayn quickly said and let go of my hand.

I felt a little bit rejected even though I knew Zayn did it for me, but I had just gotten enough of my parents, so what if Zayn was my boyfriend?

"No he's not" I said as my dad was about to speak "He's my boyfriend"

After saying that, my mom and dad's faces was the funniest thing I've ever seen, and if it wasn't for the serious situation I was in, then I think I would've laughed my own ass off, but instead of that, I found Zayn's hand again and gave it a lightly squeeze which he returned.

"Your boyfriend?" my mom asked, the disbelief clear in her voice.

"Yes mom, my boyfriend"

"Ehm yeah, hello Mr. and Mrs. Williams. I'm Zayn" he said, clearly a bit embarrassed.

I saw my dad eye Zayn up and down and I knew he didn't like what he saw.

"I won't accept that"

"I don't care" I spat and looked directly at him "It's not your decision"

"Of course it is, I'm your father"

"Maybe you should start acting like it then" I said angrily.

"Don't talk to your father like that, young lady" my mother said with a stern voice.

"Get out of my house, poor boy" he said to Zayn.

I tightened my grip on Zayn's hand so that he wouldn't do as my dad told him. I needed him here if I was finally gonna stand up to my parents.

"He's not leaving. And don't talk to him like that" I know I couldn't really be mad at my parents for looking the way they did at Zayn, after all I did too once, but the anger was floating in my veins and I know they didn't have to do much before I let it out.

"Oh but he really is. Leon will you please show that excuse of a son out of my house"

And there it went.

"How dare you talk about him like that?" I yelled "He's my boyfriend, shouldn't you be inviting  him into your life with open arms and ask him a bunch of questions?"

"That boys isn't even descent dressed!" My dad exclaimed and threw a hand in Zayn's direction.

 "So what?"

"You two are not allowed to see each other"

"Why do you even care?" I hissed "You are supposed to be my parents, but you are never home, you've been away since Lily died. I know you're blaming me for her dead and I did so too because of you, but it wasn't my fault. Lily was a smart kid and you know that, she knew how to look for cars before running over a road. You can't blame me and you can't take Zayn away from me. Isn't it enough that you run away all the time? That the only thing you know about your daughter is how she's doing in school? You never spend time with me!"

"We're your parents! We gave you life and a place to live, food to eat and all the things you wanted" my dad was yelling too now.

"What if that's not what I wanted" I asked in a softer voice "What if all I wanted was a mother who would talk to me about how my day was or which boy I liked in school? And what if I needed a dad who could protect me from the monsters under my bed or the nightmares that still haunts me?"

My dad nodded "We'll work home if that's what you want, no more business trips. But you're done with that. Leon, will you please?"

"NO! You can't just take him away from me! I love him!" the tears were now falling down my cheeks and I didn't realize what I had just said before I looked at Zayn who had wide eyes and a open mouth.

"You-you love me?" he asked with a soft voice, he eyes showing more emotions than I had ever seen.

"Of course, silly"

"Leon" my dad warned and Leon took Zayn by the arm and pulled him outside with a look of sorrow on his face. I couldn't blame him, he just did his job.

"You can't do this to me!" I shouted and turned to my dad "You can't just tell me not to see him!"

"I can and I will"

"Mom, please" I cried and turned to her.

She looked puzzled before she took a deep breath and said "You've got 2 minutes to say goodbye to that boy"

I don't think I've run this quickly before and in less than 5 seconds I was in Zayn's arms, crying my eyes out.

"Shh princess, we'll figure this out together" he mumbled into my hair has I hugged the life out of him "It's gonna be okay, you'll see"

I nodded and my lips found his hungrily. The kiss said everything that was needed. That Zayn loved me too, that my mom and dad could go to hell, but most important that this was just another thing we had to face together.

Eventually I was taken inside as I saw Zayn walk away from the house. Leon closed and locked the door, gave me a apologetic look and went into the kitchen. I looked to see my mom and dad standing where I left them and all I felt was my heart cold as ice.

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed before running up to my room, locking the door and burring myself in my pillows. That night I cried myself to sleep.

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