Chapter 21-In Ruins

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The Warlock above, played by Johnny Depp (I imagined him older than he is now, but the facial features and expression are the same)
Piper's POV
Kai stepped in front of me and let out a menacing growl.
Mind link the pack! Holly cried. Jude's an Alpha now! They're evenly matched.
I panicked. I couldn't lose Kai.
Oliver! I yelped. He was quick to respond.
What's wrong, Luna? he asked.
Kai came to rescue me! Please he's in over his head! You have to- Oliver's laugh startled me out of my rambling.
Luna, pack warriors have the house surrounded. Oliver hesitated. Are you calling an attack, Luna?
I took a deep breath to steel myself. Yes.
I closed off the link, but not before I heard Oliver's battle cry ringing out through my mind. It was echoed by the howls of the wolves and paws closing in.
Jude snarled, "You shouldn't have set them off."
"Why not?" I challenged.
"Because contrary to what you may believe, my pack is strong," he smirked at Kai and I. Kai bared his teeth, and I looked on in horror. "You just called them to their graves."
Kai let out an enraged growl. "They are loyal. Every wolf in my pack would willingly die for their Luna."
"Doesn't mean they deserve to die," Jude retorted. "Think about it. How many young wolves did you bring? Wolves that haven't even known their wolf for a year. Wolves that you will be ripping from their mates."
Kai lunged for him, but I held my mate back. "He's trying to make you mad," I whispered to him. "Don't give him the satisfaction of you losing control."
Kai held back a moment, and then nodded his head. But he never took his eyes off Jude.
Jude's cold eyes followed every movement of my lips as I soothed Kai. I felt tingles up my spine from his intense gaze.
"Kai of Stone Moon pack," Jude bellowed. "You are a murderer."
I couldn't hold my mate back anymore. Jude lit a fuse, and he just now found the bomb on the end of it.
With an animalistic roar, Kai launched himself at Jude. I heard the sound of claws scratching at the door, and heavy shoulders being thrown against it, but I couldn't take my eyes off Kai's powerful arm throwing punch after punch into Jude's face and torso. He was straddling him on the ground, effectively pinning him in place as he assaulted him.
In that moment, I realized I wasn't sorry for Jude. I held no remorse, no pity. The place in my heart he used to occupy was suffocatingly empty. I backed away from the two brawling men, but I couldn't escape their hoarse shouts of rage and pain.
"Stop!" I shouted in my Luna voice. Holly panicked and took over.
As I screamed, the door burst open, thrown off its hinges. Beckett ran in, and froze at the sight of Kai on top of a broken, battered Jude. I couldn't see my Alpha's face, but I knew he wouldn't have fared much better. The two were too evenly matched.
I cried out again, but for a much different reason. Four pairs of male eyes instantly snapped to me. Oliver had entered the room, with a look of pity creasing his forehead. The other three looked at me with equal expressions of shock. I couldn't form words, so I cowered back on the floor.
Kai was the first to reach me. "Are you hurt?!" he exclaimed, running his shaking, bloody hands all over me to check for injuries.
"Kai, watch out!" I yelled. "Beckett! He'll-"
"Shh," Kai shushed me. "Love, i told you, he's on our side. I promise. Relax, nobody's going to hurt you."
Oh, but he was wrong. So very, very wrong. Jude had a knife.
I couldn't even warn him, couldn't pull him to the side and out of harms way before Jude's muscular arm swung at his exposed back. I cried with Kai's roar, clinging to him with everything I had as the glinting metal disappeared into his heart. I had been wrong. Beckett wasn't the danger, after all. It was my best friend who would ruin my life.
"Die, Alpha," Jude snarled, laughing crudely.
I didn't feel the hot tears falling down my cheeks. Didn't feel my body collapsing against Kai's body. I was numb.
"Love," he breathed painfully. "Don't c-cry. I t-told you I'd protect y-you and our m-mini Alpha."
I felt myself breaking. "No, Kai," I sobbed. "Not like this. Never like this. Please don't do this. I love you!"
"I k-know," he murmured. "B-believe me I know. I l-love you t-too."
Kai's breath caught in his throat with a gurgle, and a thin line of blood flowed down his cheek. His eyes stared at the ceiling, unseeing. His body grew stiff and cold in my arms.
"No!" I screamed. "Kai, no!"
"Luna," Oliver whispered in my ear. "There's someone here to see you."
"Let me go!" I yelled. "Leave me here!"
"Luna Piper, please," Oliver begged. "We all loved him too. But he's gone."
I only sobbed louder, shaking my head violently.
I heard a blood-curdling scream, followed by a sick crack. I started to look up towards the sound, but Oliver pulled me against his chest.
"It's ok," he whispered. "He can't hurt you now. Come with me."
"Ollie, I can't!" I cried. "Please, help him! I don't care how! Just do it, I won't leave without him!"
"Luna," Oliver said. "Stop this. It's not good for the-"
"The man here," Beckett started, cutting Ollie off. "I called for him. He's a warlock. He's here to help Kai."
"And why the hell should I trust you?" I snapped against Oliver's broad chest.
"Because he might be our only way to save Alpha Kai."
The Warlock's POV
"Luna Piper," I greeted.
She nodded to me, her tears falling freely down her face as she leaned heavily on Gamma Oliver. Beta Beckett came to stand beside me.
"I am prepared to make a potion that can save your mate," I said.
"How?" she asked. Her voice trembled pitifully.
"Oh, sweet lass," I murmured, tilting up her chin. "Jude made a sacrifice for ya, and now we just need to reverse it."
"Jude is dead," she gasped. The Gamma pulled her closer and the Beta took a hesitant step towards her.
"I don't need 'im," I told her. "I just need something from you, lass."
"What's that?" she squeaked.
"Just a tear," I replied.
She nodded her head. "I have plenty of those. Surely I can spare a few."
I smiled at the girl, and pulled a container out of my pocket. Resting it against her cheek, I collected just a few tears.
"That'll do it," I mumbled. "Thank ya, lass."
She returned my smile weakly. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to go home."
Gamma Oliver dragged her from the room. Only Beta Beckett and I remained.
"Bring me the body," I demanded, snapping my fingers.
So I decided to draw out the story a bit more, since that's just where it needed to go. I may or may not do an epilogue. Thank you to all my readers, I love you all!

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