Chapter 8-House Arrest

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Picture of Leo above
Piper's POV
I heard Kai's angry voice and sighed in relief. The stranger immediately jumped off me and turned to face the threat, snarling. I was struggling to see around the man, to go to Kai, but he moved his body to block my path. I let out a whimper, and Kai's growl grew louder. I looked over the stranger's shoulder and saw him shaking with rage. He shifted into his wolf, his eyes a golden color, and the stranger shifted as well. His wolf was dwarfed by my mate, standing tall and powerful over him. The stranger looked like a toddler.
I took his surprise as a good enough distraction to go to Kai. I broke into a sprint over the short distance, and was glad I did when I heard teeth snapping at my heels. I nearly slid into Kai's wolf, wrapping my arms around his neck. He purred softly, allowing me to lean against him as my fingers twisted in his hair, playing with it. His eyes never left the stranger's wolf.
The stranger feinted left and right, trying to get a clear path to me. Kai growled, frusterated, and his big head knocked me over. I yelped at his roughness, until his wolf came to stand over me protectively, lowering his head until I couldn't be seen. I shook like a leaf under him as he snarled.
The stranger backed off in submission, and howled. His pack came out of the trees and joined him. He bowed his head low before turning and running off into the dark forest.
Kai looked down at me, and licked my face gently. I giggled. He moved away from me and behind a tree, and walked back out in basketball shorts in his human form. He lifted me effortlessly into his arms and carried me to the pack house. We met Beckett and Oliver there, both of them carrying Sadie and Sienna.
The guys carried us into Kai's office, sitting in the same chairs as earlier. Kai's eyes clouded over, and I saw Beckett's and Oliver's do the same. Sadie and Sienna's suspicious and slightly fearful expressions mirrored my own. We silently waited for our mates to finish their mind-link conversation.
"Alright," Oliver said. "We need you three to just listen to what's going to happen."
"No interruptions," Beckett added. I felt Kai pull me into his chest, pulling my arms tightly against him. I gave him a quizzical look. He didn't acknowledge me, and stared at the ceiling as he spoke.
"You three are on house arrest," he said. "But only until we figure out who those men were, what they want, and how they got in. No mall. You will only leave the pack house if your mate is with you. There will be twenty guards posted outside the pack house when we are away. Nobody gets in, and nobody gets out."
"WHAT?!" Sadie and Sienna shrieked. I said nothing. I couldn't process this new information until suddenly, it clicked.
"How dare you!" I yelled at Kai. I struggled against his grip, realizing why he had me so close. He knew I would struggle. I saw Sadie and Sienna were in the same predicament. This was not part of the shopping plan.
The three of us screamed and thrashed against our mates hold, begging and pleading for them to reconsider. But it was final. I finally ceased my efforts, and spoke to the girls through mind-link.
It's no use, I huffed. They're much too strong. We'll have to find a different way."
"Alright," I said. "We'll cooperate."
The guys loosened their holds on us. We got up and shuffled into the kitchen. Without saying anything, we microwaved some popcorn and sat infront of the TV. Only iZombie could cheer us up. I felt Kai's gaze on my back as I turned the episode on, but ignored him.
We decided we'd rather sleep in the living room together than with our mates. I laid down on my back with my head on a pillow. Sienna laid her head on the pillow on the other side of the couch and I felt her feet against my side. Sadie took the leather recliner next to my side of the couch. I turned off Netflix and we all fell asleep quickly.
I woke up to the smell of Kai. I felt myself being jostled around a bit, and made a noise of protest. He ignored me and continued to carry me.
He set me down on our bed. I inhaled his scent, fully awake now. "What time is it?" I asked.
"About 3 am," Kai answered. He started pacing the room. "Look, Piper, I'm sorry I cancelled your shopping plans. I want you to be happy, believe me I do, but I can't ensure your safety right now, not to mention Beckett and Oliver are adamant about not letting the girls go with you. We're worried, love, and we can't put you three in danger like that, guards or not."
"It's ok," I whispered. I really did forgive him. I understand why he's doing it, but it doesn't mean I like it.
"Piper..." he sighed, closing his eyes with pain. "You have no idea what that did to me, to my wolf and I, when we saw him about to mark you. I wanted to rip him apart right then!" he growled, but quickly composed himself. "I didn't want you to see me like that. But I was so scared, sweetheart. So scared I would lose you."
"You won't lose me, Kai," I said boldly as I walked to him. "Not now, not ever."
"And I'll make sure of that," he vowed. "Which is why I can't let you out of the house until we get this sorted out."
"What could I do to speed the process along?" I asked.
"I don't know, love," he told me, collapsing on the bed with his hands in his hair.
"I think I do," I murmured.
He sat up immediately. "What's that?"
I gulped. "Mark me, Kai."
Hello! I've been working hard to get new chapters published asap. I'll probably update every few days, factoring in all my school work. As always, comment, vote, etc.... read! Lol!

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