She lets me call her when I need help, or skype her. We had never actually met in person, though I considered her a friend. We had gotten close, after one night, I called her on a whim, needing to talk to someone about some personal shit. She listened calmly, not judging me for anything, and started sharing some personal stuff as well. She lived in Japan, and mostly did hacking work, though a few months ago she had joined a group of thieves over there, working with them.

It was a true rarity to make friends outside of the mafia, because I knew it wasn't easy, letting an affiliated mafia member into your life, or home for that matter. There was only one other person besides Scarlett, that I was close with outside of Los Lobos, and that was Cecilia. Cecilia was a family friend, and though she was only a few years older then me, was like a second mom to me, especially after losing mine. She had known my family for a long time, and we had almost always been close, and even closer after my parents death.

I owed Cecilia my life many times over, for how often she helped me. I knew she didn't exactly approve of what I always did, but she knew my family, and what business they were in. She saved me when i needed it most, and had become the new bright light in my world that always seemed to be filled with shadows. There were numerous occasions she had saved my life, and brought me into her home. I often pissed my brother off, and would get punished, by him and his goons taking me to a random location, then beating the shit out of me, to the point where I couldn't even stand.

Cecilia always found me somehow, never failing to come find me, picking me up, and taking me back to her house. I would be falling in and out of consciousness, but I would wake up in her house, with my wounds cleaned and covered, and some form of food to eat. She let me talk about what happened if I felt like it, always listening patiently, or if I didn't want to, she would find something else to talk about. I never did figure out how she always found me, though I had my suspicions, that someone from the gang would call her and tell her where to find me, but she never would say.

I get up, going into the kitchen, and start rummaging though my cabinets for something to eat. I settle for Ramen, and dump the dried noodles into a pot with water, before throwing it on the stove, and lighting the burner. I actually did know how to cook, but most of the time didn't really see the point, since I lived alone, and wasn't home very often anyway. After it's done, I dump it into a bowl, before taking it out into my small living room, sitting on the couch again. I start eating when my phone rings, and i quickly grab it. I sigh in annoyance once I see that it's my brother.

I reluctantly answer my phone, wondering what the hell he wants. "Hello?" i answer warily, not sure why he's calling.

"Pack your shit, you're going to Japan." He says brusquely, not even offering me a hello.

"Well hello to you too dipshit. What the fuck do you mean Japan?" I ask, surprised at the sudden announcement.

He laughs. "Some guy wants to hire you or some shit, some associate of a member of the Ice Dragons." he adds, still laughing, and my heart sinks at his words. Shit, he found Soryu.

"Wait, so you immediately agreed? What the fuck Alejo?" I yell incredulously. I mean I'm all for getting the hell away from Alejo, but there must be a catch.

He snorts."No of course not. Don't be stupid. You're my second in command after all. That's a huge loss for me ya know." He says, acting like it's no big deal. Asshole.

"Okay so what's the deal here? What about Los Lobos?" I ask, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Well, you won't be here, so you're off the hook to an extent. If I really need you though, I'll find you or get ahold of you." He answers simply, and I can't help but wonder what kind of deal Soryu made to get me out. He may as well have just made a deal with the devil. Wait, that might have been a safer bet then making a deal with my brother.

The Bidder's Mafia Princess: A KBTBB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now