Chapter 1-Dead

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Spottedleaf quietly sorted her herbs. The full moon shone through the canopy of trees, and the stars shone like the moonstone. The camp was quiet. Cats were sleeping, and Spottedleaf was the only one awake. This was the night of the gathering, and Firepaw was attending. "Oh, Firepaw . . ." Spottedleaf sighed, setting aside her herbs to go outside.
The tortoiseshell sat outside her den, watching the twinkling stars in awe. Suddenly, she she saw movement in the corner of her eye. The next thing she knew, brown fur flashed before her eyes. Shadowclan stench engulfed Spottedleaf, and she recognized Clawface. She stared in shock as Clawface unsheathed his claws and swung them and Spottedleaf's face, barely missing her nose.
Without a word, the she-cat slid out her claws and flung herself at Clawface with a quiet hiss. Spottedleaf clawed the tom's back and muzzle, but as she was aiming for his nose, Clawface unexpectedly pushed her down with great force. She lay on her belly, her muzzle pressed into the ground.
Spottedleaf opened her mouth to screech, but dirt fell in instead. Then, she felt claws rake the back of her neck, and a sharp pain jolted up to her head. Clawface quick got off Spottedleaf and slipped away. She lifted up her head. Fire burned in Spottedleaf's blood, her ears were ringing, and her breath came out in short, ragged gasps.
Her vision blurred, and lights danced around her. Is this what it feels like to die? she asked herself.
Suddenly, everything went black; her heart stopped beating, her breath stopped rasping, and her flanks stopped rising and falling. She lay still, motionless, limp. And that was it - Spottedleaf was dead.

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