Hide And Seek

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We all walk into Chipotle and sit down in a booth (idk if there are booths in Chipotle because I've actually never been or had it before).
"I never knew you could sing like" Julian said
"Yeah, how come you never told us you could sing?" Weston adds
"Well, I haven't been really comfortable singing infront of people, Jacob has only heard me sing when I'm in the shower" I say chuckling, I heard my phone buzz in my pocket, I didn't want to look at it cause I'm scared that it might be hate. I decide to look at it anyway. My Twitter, Instagram, younow and musical.y are blowing up with followers, I go from 1003 followers on Instagram to 1.6m, on Twitter I go from 200k to 1.3m, on younow I go from 60 (lol) to 1.2... This is crazy.

Everyone finishes there food and we head back to the hotel, it isn't that far so we decided to walk. We walk back into the hotel and see a mob of girls sitting on the couches, we try to sneak behind them so they wouldn't see us.
"OMG! THEY'RE HERE!" One girl screams, soon all the girls start sprinting at us, there was no point in running cause they would just follow us to our rooms so they boys and girlies took photos with them while I stood around.

"Omg! It's Lily Harris" (I couldn't think of any other last names so I just used mine), I turn around and see three girls approach me
"Oh, um. Hey!" I say nervously
"We saw you sing! You are amazing!" One girl said
"Oh thank you. Did you go to the meet and greet?" I ask
"No. We saw it on YouTube" another girl stated
"YouTube?" I ask confused
"Yeah. Someone at the meet and greet filmed your whole performance and uploaded it to YouTube... It got over 50,000 views in the first 4 minutes" the other girl said showing me the video
"Holy shit! Excuse my French girls." I say to them while looking at the comments, some were really nice but there were those few hate comments.

Theonlygabby2002: wow! She is amazing!
Loveydovey76: OMG! THATS JACOB'S GIRLFRIEND? I loveeeee her!
Tillysartorious: ew, if anyone thinks she is actually good at singing they need Ro get their ears checked, watching this makes me wanna neck myself.

Wow, okay, that one hurt.

The girls for a picture so I took it with them, they said goodbye and walked off. Once all the girls had left we made our way back up to the hotel room and all sat around on our phones, I was scrolling threw Instagram when I came across something that someone tagged me in, it was a photo of me and those girls I met earlier in the lobby, I liked it commented and followed each of them.

We all golf bored really quickly so we decided to play hide and seek in the hotel. Jacob was it so when he started counting we all ran off in different direction, me and Loren decided to hide together on the very top floor. We ran into the elevator and pressed number 42 which was the highest floor, the elevator music was hotline bling so we start dancing along to it.

Once the elevator reached the top level we were just about to step out when about 3 bos walked past laughing.
"Oh shit, it's Jacob, Weston and Mark!" I whisper
"Shit! Okay let's go to another floor" After she said she she sneezed
"Did you guys here that?" Mark asks
"Yeah! It came from over there!" Jacob replies

We hear footsteps coming towards the elevator so I start pressing as many button as I can.
"shit, shit, shit, shit" I whisper. Loren is trying not to laugh, just as the boys reach the elevator the doors start to close. They are all standing there looking at us.
"Hey guys!" I wave as the doors close completely, me and Loren start bursting out laughing.

Once we reach another floor we take one step out to see if they are here, once the coast was clear we made a run for it to find somewhere to hide. We decided to hide behind these massive plants that are for some reason in the hotel.

We here talking getting closer to us so I have a look to see who it is.
"Shit. It's Jacob, Weston, Mark, Mario and Joey" I whisper so only Loren can hear, they get closer and closer and just when they stopped talking and everything was silent... Loren sneezed, AGAIN! I give here a 'are you serious?' And grab her hand and sprinted as fast as we could.

The boys started running towards us and Loren kept on sneezing, we couldn't stop laughing because of how much she sneezed.
"Are you like allergic to boys or something?" I chuckle, Loren laughs and keeps on sneezing which made me laugh.

We couldn't hear the boys anymore so we thought we should stop to catch our breath.

Little did we know, there was something waiting around the corner for us.

Sorry this is a short chapter but I'm sick and I'm in bed, and I keep sneezing😂.
If you haven't already can you please go check out my other book 'young and dumb'

Thank you and have a great night my little strawberries xoxo

SKINNY LOVE:  A Jacob Sartorious FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now