Chapter 3

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Marinette is in shock. Adrien starts limping away when this masked man grabs him by the arm and throws him to the ground. Ladybug yells to this masked man saying, "What do you think you're doing with him?!" "Oh you mean this boy? Oh, I'm just giving him what he deserves." The masked figure says to her. "And what would that be?" She asks him. He replies to her with a simple word. "DEATH!" "What did he ever do to you?" Ladybug asks. "He stole the love of my life, YOU!" He shouts to her. Marinette is in shock when she realizes he loves her. "Adrien loves me?" She thinks to herself. She snaps out of it though. "Well if you want him, you'll have to get through me first!!!" She says to him. "You want him? Come and get him!" He tells her. Marinette runs at him and hits him with all of her might. It didn't make a dent. They start fighting, but Ladybug has little success. Adrien sees what this masked man is doing to Ladybug. He escapes into the bushes, and transforms into Chat Noir. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Chat Noir shouts to the masked man. "Getting rid of Ladybug. If I can't have her, no one can!" He tells Chat Noir. "We'll see about that!" Chat Noir exclaims.

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