llChapter Twoll

131 5 3

~Seven Years Later~

A light flooded the room, waking the girl.

"Yuriko~" A man's voice rang.

A look of amusement crossed the girls face. Here yes flickered up to him. "What will it be today?" She asked. "Are you going to throw me into the mazes so I can starve again, that bullshit agility test, or..."

She sat up, placing her hands in her lap, the chains around her wrists and ankles rattling. "Or is this another childish attempt to make me drink blood?"

"I just came with information regarding your brother. Oh, and of course, your precious Mikaela."

Yuki's eyes narrowed slightly.

"But..." The vampire continued, leaning down to the girl and holding her cheek gently. "You're at the age I consider to be the most beautiful. It would be a shame not to drink. I don't understand it. You face all of my experiments head on, with no complaint at all. But at the slightest mention of blood, you freak out and start denying me."

Yuki scoffed. "Denying you? Now Ferid, I'm only sixteen. What kind of girl do you take me for?"

"All im saying is that you won't survive on Krul's blood forever."

"What's the news of my brother?" She changed the subject, sick of this conversation.

Ferid released her cheek, standing up straight. "Yuichiro Hyakuya has joined the Moon Demon Company. It's only a matter of time until he discovers your alive--according to Krul's plan. You'll finally be able to roam free!"

Ferid left the room, leaving an expression of surprise on girls face. She glanced down at her cuffs, wards and sigils carved into them to contain her power. Her wrists were bloodied and scared. They ached from wearing them for seven years.

She looked up through the bared window, light coming in from the Vampire city.

"Yu.. Mika.." She whispered, tears running down her face. "Leave me here."


"Well, well." Shinoa said as Yu walked up to her. "That uniform looks good on you."

"Thanks." Yu said. "And you...." He blushed lightly. "Nevermind."

"I know what you were thinking!~" Shinoa teased. "Oh, Shinoa! You look drop dead gorgeous!"

The two go on the empty train, sitting alone.

"I didn't expect to meet up with you until later." Yu said.

"Don't you want your orders?"

He sighed. "Lay it on me."

"Remember the vampires Gurren mentioned?"


"He wants us to go to Shinjuku to investigate."

"So are we going to kill vampires once we get there, then?"

"We get it." Shinoa sighed, "you hate vampires. Enough with the bloodlust already. Is that all you're interested in? There's more to our job than killing vampires, you know."

Yu stared out the window.

"Are you even listening to me?"

He sighed, "You're soo boring!"

"Fine, I guess you don't want to survive outside the walls then."


Once the train reached the pairs destination, the exited and walked towards the gates that led to the outside world.

"We're with the Moon Demon Company." Shinoa told the guards. "We have a mission outside the walls. Will you let us pass?"

"They're letting kids join an elite group now?" One of them said to the other.

"They can hear you, you know!"

"They called you a kid." Shinoa said, looking up at Yu. "How does that make you feel?"

"They were probably talking about you, since you're so short." He grumbled.

"Thats ok, I'm still blossoming.~ My sister was flawless, and had a rack that all the boys fought over!"

"I didn't know you have a sister."

"I had a sister."

The doors opened.

"I'm sorry..." Yu said.

"What, you don't have a silly come back for that one?"

"..I had a sister too. A twin, to be more specific."

"Hmm." Shinoa said, looking down slightly. "Let's get going."

They walked through the doors.

Shinoa decided to talk about it again. "I'm suppose it's something we've all experienced, have you noticed? What.. Was her name?"

"Yuriko. We called her Yuki."

"I see."

"Lieutenant Colonel Guren!" A blonde haired girl yelled, gaining the pairs attention. "Do you mind explaining why I was placed on a team full on new recuits?!"

Guren ignored the girl, clearly annoyed. He spotted Yu and Shinoa.

"There you are!" He said, interuppting the blonde. "Would it kill you to be on time?!"

"I guess we did get a little distracted." Shinoa admitted.

"See, I'm telling you!" The blonde yelled again. "Shinoa Hiragi is not capable of commanding this squad!"

"Gured seems to think I'm good enough for the job.~" Shinoa teased the girl.

"Thats enough." Guren said. "As of today, Mitsuba will be a part of your squad." He looked over to the group. "Weber found that five is the magic number. Any more, and attacks get confusing. Any less, and we start losing men. You are all now closer than family. You must protect each other with your lives."

Yu yawned, earning a glare from both Mitsu and and Kimizuki.

"Welcome to the Moon Demon Company."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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