Day 30.

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Day 30: One thing I'm excited for. 

I'm only allowed one thing? There's a lot to choose from... 

I'm excited for life; that just about sums up everything in one sentence. I'm not just excited, though. I'm nervous, scared, unprepared, worried, enthusiastic, passionate...pretty much any and every emotion, all at the same time. 

I'm excited for the One Direction concert next year, I'm excited to start a new year at school, I'm excited for my writing career, I'm excited about everything. 

I'm only allowed one thing to be excited about? Pfft. There's too much to choose. So I'll choose everything.

A/N: Thank you everyone who's read my 30 Day Challenge! It's got a lot more votes and reads than I thought it would, so thank you a million times for that! I probably won't be doing another 30 Day Challenge on Wattpad, but I might on my blog ( in September. 

30 Day Challenge [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang