Day 29.

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Day 29: Five weird things that I like. 

1. The smell of petrol. I've always liked it. It smells really nice...I'm not sure why. 

2. Boursin on toasted bagels. Boursin is a soft cheese with garlic and herbs and it basically tastes like heaven. 

3. The smell of an old book. I wish I lived 100 years ago in a rich person's house where the smell of old books was permanently there. I would love that. 

4. Sitting quietly with no music on in an empty house. It relaxes me and puts my mind at ease. However, when there's the slightest bit of noise, I freak out. 

5. Math problems. I like the feeling when you solve makes me feel satisfied and achieved. If I can't solve them, GOOGLE TO THE RESCUE. 

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