Natsu wake up!!

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Pazuru raced towards Phoenix congratulating her on taking down the two fairytail wizards. "That was quick work my dear! Now destroy the one they call Natsu for he is no use to us!" Smirking, he yanked Gray up by his magnetic blue hair and chained him to the wall. Making sure that when he woke up he could witness his friend being annihilated.

"Phoenix, you know what you have to do. I will return later, most likely Jellal will be with us." Pazuru says, leaving Phoenix alone with her old guild mates. Smiling to herself, Phoenix lets a small laugh, "Oh am I going to enjoy this!"

Her hands place themselves on Natsu's stomach, filling up with her brothers magic powers. No longer was he asleep, the room now filled with his screams of pain and agony. This noise slowly brings Gray to his senses. The sound of his guildmates screams fuels a burning desire to get out of his restraints. Slowly, the shackles binding him to the wall start to freeze, turning the rooms atmosphere from dark to cold.

Phoenix's POV

Sauntering towards the flame head, I thought of a thousand different ways to kill him. However, I wanted to torture him, the pain unbearable and everlasting. Lights flashed, and in a moment Natsu was chained opposite Gray ready to receive his punishment.

SLAP! A hand print appeared on Natsu's face as he started to come round. Before he could fully regain consciousness again, I got bored and began to punch him, bruising the skin. Small groans emitted from his mouth as he weakly lifted his head, glaring in my direction.

"You've finally woken up then flame boy. What you received before was only a pin prick compared to what I am about to do to you!" I place my hands on his stomach and slowly feel the magic power rushing through my veins. His screams resonate off the walls and into my ears, sending waves of glory through me.

My mind drowned in his screams, I didn't notice Gray freeze his restraints and launch himself at me. Hands encase my throat limiting my oxygen supply. I start to panic, scratching at his hands trying to remove them so I could breath again. "Remove Natsu from his restraints now and I will remove my hands!" Barks Gray, nodding towards the hanging figure on the wall.

Gray's POV

A rush of confidence surges through me as I keep a tight grasp on Phoenix's throat. She quickly releases Natsu from his restraints and he falls, with a thump, to the ground. Luckily, before entering the guild I had received magic enhancing tablets from Master Makarov to ensure even if we were to be drained, we could quickly regain full power.

Dropping one into Natsu's mouth, he began to wake up, groaning in agony from where he had been tortured. Flames masked the room, drowning out my senses and blinding me.

Natsu's POV

To say that anger drove me would be a severe understatement. I was like a man on a leash. Controlled by an unimaginable force that shook through my veins. I no longer saw my little sister before me, but a savage enemy that tried to kill me and Gray. No one hurts members of fairytail and gets away with it!

My flaming hand comes into contact with the girls face, making her spit blood. My fists kept battering her, beating her to a bloody pulp, and when i look down, I can see she's bleeding from a burning gash on her side. "Natsu..." She whispers before falling unconscious. Breathing heavily, I sit back on my legs, not aware of Gray's terrified glance.

Phoenix's POV

He was showing no mercy, evil glints in his eyes, my death was inevitable! Those years I had fought against my captures, waiting to be saved by my brother and my guildmates, I had forgotten all about them. His strength overwhelming me, my body collapsed unable to move from the brutal beating I had just received. Memories began to swarm back to me, Natsu destroying entire cities, Gray always half naked and my good friend Gajeel always starting fights. Fairytail was my home and I finally knew I belonged there!

Suddenly, my body started to convulse violently, the ankhseram lacrima inwardly destroying itself, black infusions escaping my body. The pain was unbearable but I could finally feel myself regaining consciousness. Blood continued to gush out of my wound as I came to my senses, Gray and Natsu sat only meters away from my shaking form.

"Natsu I'm so sorry for hurting you, it wasn't me I promise, they made me do it!" I cried unable to catch my breath through the hiccups and sobs. He stared at me, a blank expression on his face looking straight through me. I could feel my heart breaking right there and then because Natsu hated me! My own brother hated me because Pazuru and Jellal had forced me to kill them.

"Please Natsu! Gray tell him, I won't hurt anyone else I swear... I-I just want to go home." I whimpered holding onto Gray's arm which was holding down his top to my wound to cease the bleeding.

Third person POV

Whimpers of pain and guilt emitted from Phoenix's fragile figure, Gray sympathising with her and Natsu deep in thought. He had nearly killed his baby sister in fear of being killed himself, yet seeing her lying there sent a wave of nostalgia rushing through him.

"Phoenix... I'm so glad we found you, all these years I thought you were dead." Natsu sobbed grasping onto her hand. "All those years, and you were here being tortured and manipulated, I've failed you as a brother... I'M SO SORRY!" Screamed Natsu pulling his sister into a bone crushing hug, both with tear tracks running down their face.

An emotional reunion, between the Dragneel siblings left Gray crying, holding onto his two best friends. Stroking back a lock of her hair and drying the tears on her face, Natsu cradled Phoenix in his arms, embracing the sister he'd though he had lost.

"From now on, I am never leaving your side! I can't afford to lose you again!" He whimpered unaware of the danger lurking around the corner.

Sparks bounced off the wall, forming a puzzling code in the air. Each corner of the coded jigsaw flew directly towards the Fairytail members, knocking them back, smashing their heads against the wall.

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