I walked over to her and sat down, moving closer to her so i could comfort her.

"I love him so much, but what he did hurt. It hurts so bad that I can't forgive him. I want to be able to trust him but when he has a past of being a player then there's no way I can trust him and what is a relationshi without trust?" I grabbed another tissue and handed it over to her.

"What did he do to hurt you so bad?"

"He...He ki-kissed Alison" She started to cry more, and tears formed in my eyes as well. I hated seeing her like this. I know what it's like and it's hard. All you want to do is eat ice cream, be on your own and then once that is all gone you want to kill them and to be honest if I ever saw Caleb again then it would be at his funeral.

"Are you sure he kissed her? I know you know what you saw but maybe you got it all wrong," I said with sincere in my voice. I felt sorry for her yet I knew they were made for each other and I wanted them to be together.

"I know what I saw, I saw him with not shirt on with her sat on his laps with their lips attatched. Plus she's his ex who he was with for seven months. That means he must of loved her and maybe he still does."

"No. I know he loves you. He's spoken to me and have said he does, I can't see him loving you and loving her. He may have loved her but he certainly doesn't now. Just give him a chance - "

I was interrupted by a knock at the door, "It's probably Aaro- oh"

"What are you doing here?!"

"To explain."

Casey's POV

I couldn't look at him. It hurt too much. I loved that man with my life and he ruined that. After he left the hospital I talked to Ed and when he could talk he did.

"You know when I was younger and I first got with Mary I made a mistake and cheated on her but did you know what? That mistake made me realise just how much I loved her. Of course we got back together but without that mistake I wouldn't have been where I had been."

He was right though. I guess it did make me realise how much I loved him. I knew I more than likes him but me being me I just denied it.

"So are you going to explain?"

"Can we sit down first?"

I nodded then walked over to the sofa, sitting back down into my original place and cuddled into the blanket.

"I'll just leave." Anna left the room and shut the door after her.

"I'm sorry about what you saw. I didn't mean to kiss her, it just happened and I'm so sorry. I don't want to lose you,"

"You've broken my heart." I said while tears once again took over my eyes. I grabbed another tissue and wiped them away.

Michael looked down and whispered something but I couldn't hear him.

"Look at me," He looked up and he too had tears in his eyes.

"Why did you kiss her?" I knew that I didn't really want to knwo the answer but his answer could make or break this relationship or what we had left. which wasn't much by any standards.

"In my head it was wrong but my body it was... right. I couldn't help it my hormones were raging and that isn't an excuse it's just you drive me crazy and all I want to do is spend my time with you. I prefer working the same shifts you do because I get to see you and when we're not I feel empty. Like something or someone is missing."

I cried more and more and I couldn't bear it any more. I missed him so much, and all I want to do is kiss him. Love is love and it takes alot ot destroy it, just like it takes a while to get over someone.

"Can we try again?" he asked with desperation in his voice.

"I don't know. What is a relationship without trust? Not a good one by my standards."

"But we can try and I know all the work will be on my part but I love you so much that i'd die for you. We can take it slow to rebuild the trust i've broken but we can and will succeed because I love you and you love me."

"I don't know. What you did really hurt"

"And I intend to make it up to you for the rest of our lives. So what do you say, can we try again?"

"I guess. But we have to take it slow. We're just friends nothing more, nothing less. That's the best I can do for now."

"A friendship is better than nothing" He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, cuddling me closer to him.

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