One Step

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Short Story ^^ I don't usually write stuff like this but I just got the urge to do one... :/ ... so yeah, tell me what you think! And tell me if you think I should change the title, cause I'm not sure what to call it....

WARNING: This is not a good story for young people to read! Bullying, teasing, pain, and death/suicide is included.



 I stared over the edge of the bridge, seeing the river water rushing in a complete chaos. I just stood there for a couple of minutes, so many thought rushing through my crowded mind. I was at the very edge, but no one walking by even stopped to check if I was okay. No one could see the tears streaming down my face; no one could hear my silent screams. It’s like I was just invisible, like I wasn’t even there to them. But I didn’t care, I was used to it. I was used to being invisible, I was used to not being seen, not being heard, those were all just day to day stuff to me.

I wanted to scream. I wanted the world to hear my last thoughts, but I couldn’t get a squeak out of me. My voice was lost, just like my mind.  

I continued to stare over the edge of the bridge that held my life in its hands, literally. Memories started to appear in my chaotic mind. Practically all of them were painful, sad memories that I’d rather forget; like all the times I got bullied on, picked on, the story of my life. Then one single hazy memory appeared and took over all the rest. This memory was the only good, happy memory that I could ever remember in my 15 years of a short life. Even though it is a blurry memory, one that is so old that sometimes I am confused whether it was a dream or reality, it is still the best memory of my life. I focused on that one happy memory, blocking all the excruciating other ones out. This one memory that warmed my heart was back when I was still a young child, no older than 5 years of age. It was back when my parents had still been alive, back when we were all happy, living a safe, fun life together. We were in our backyard; under the tree house that dad had built for me in the big old oak tree. Mum had brought some drinks out while dad and our brown welsh sheep dog, Poppy, were chasing me around the tree. We were all laughing and having fun. This would have to be the most perfect moment in my life. It didn’t last long though. Poppy had somehow gotten out during a storm and I had fallen sick. Mum and Dad went out to look for her while leaving me with the nanny, but they never came back. I was told by a police man that my parents and dog had been in a car accident and all of them had died on the scene. I didn’t understand very well that time, but I just somehow knew that they weren’t coming back, no matter how long I waited, and trust me, I waited. Things just went downhill from there. I ended up in an orphanage, until they had found a distant relative for me to live with. Things never got better though. Which brings me back to the edge of the bridge.

Fresh tears were running down my face again as I gasped for breath. My head was down, eyes focusing on the river’s rushing, mysterious water. I could see my feet. One step was all it took. One step and I would be falling. One single step and I would soon be with my parents and Poppy. Just the thought of them kept the tears falling. I just kept thinking about them, and how everything would be over with just one small step; all the bullying, all the pain, all the tears; all of that would be over, gone, forgotten, with just one step.

Those two words just kept replaying in my mind; One Step, One Step, One Step. My feet shifted a bit on the spot. I felt frozen. But as soon as all the memories of the bullying and teasing came back, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was going crazy! So I made my final decision in that split second, and took one small, shaky step forward.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 15, 2011 ⏰

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