Chapter 15

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aaaaand I'm back! With a short chapter, sorry. enjoy!

Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz.

Apollo woke up with a start and blinked slightly, trying to discern what the sudden rumbling noise was. It sounded like a ringtone, but it was too dark for an alarm. 7 amdefinitely didn't look as dark as this.

Apollo rolled over, blinking at the light of his phone screen. It was a ringtone, so either someone was calling him or that Farmville thing Trucy had downloaded was bothering him again. Didn't that thing understand what "notifications off" meant?

The ringtone looped again, so he fumbled for it, picking up and pressing it to his ear. "H-hello?"

"Apollo!" The voice on the other end yelped, thick and unrecognizable at first. "I- gott, I didn't think you'd pick up- I-"

"Slow down," He mumbled, rubbing his sleep crusted eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I-" He heard the voice take a deep, shuddering breath, and that was when he realized the person on the other end was crying.

The recognition fell into place quickly after that. "K-Klavier?" Apollo sat up. "You ok?"

Klavier sniffled. "Ja- don't listen to me, I'm fine, ja."

"You don't sound too good." Apollo said. "What- nightmare or something?"

"Something like that." Klavier breathed. "I'll be fine, ja?"

"I thought you said you already were." Apollo didn't need his bracelet to tell if someone was lying. Really, at this point, all of this felt more like a particularly insane dream- Klavier Gavin, his fake boyfriend, was calling him at 3 am, sobbing and insisting that he was fine, although he clearly wasn't. Had Apollo even seen him crying before? Now that he thought about it... through Daryan betraying him, Kristoph threatening him, through his brother and best friend using him to commit crimes, Klavier's eyes had remained dry. He was almost like a statue, tilting his head upwards, stoic and calm. If that was breaking now... "Hang on, I'll be over in 10."

"Nein!" Klavier nearly shrieked, sounding as though he'd been electrocuted. "Nein, nein, I- I'm fine, I'm alright, it's nothing-"

"It obviously isn't." Apollo was already pulling on his socks, discarded on the floor next to his bed. He shifted his shoulder to support the phone, continuing. "Klavier, I'm here for you, that's the point of this entire relationship. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

He hung up before Klavier could say anything else about it, mentally kicking himself for what he'd just said. The point of this entire relationship? Really, Apollo? They didn't have a relationship, they had an awkward friendship after Apollo jailed everyone Klavier cared about, and then drunkenly slept with him. Real caring, Apollo. That'sdefinitely the type of relationship that justifies biking over at 3 am.

Apollo was trying very hard not to think of himself as Klavier's boyfriend, but between the media and the Wrights' teasing the entire world was treating him as such. It was a living nightmare- he had to deal with the public parts of it, then didn't get the private parts that made it all worth it. It hurt so much to go on dates, telling himself that he was Klavier's boyfriend, when he knew, deep down, that he wasn't. Smile and wave for the cameras, try and pretend like you know what you're doing, do it all because Klavier is trying to protect you, Apollo. It made him feel helpless. Klavier was pretending because he wanted to help Apollo, and Apollo was pretending because he actually wanted to be Klavier's boyfriend.

He stood up and grabbed a jacket from his closet, the type of bold red thing Trucy poked fun at him for wearing. Apollo tucked his phone into the pocket and zipped it, not bothering to change out of his pajamas. He was going to help Klavier. Klavier needed Apollo the Caring Boyfriend right now, so Apollo the Caring Boyfriend he would be. He may not actually be Klavier's boyfriend, but if it made Klavier feel better (and Apollo, too, but he wasn't the point here), then he'd do anything. Anything.

If Apollo was the first thing Klavier thought of when he needed help, Apollo needed to live up to it. He needed to help. Apollo buckled his helmet under his chin, mounting his bike. He was going to Klavier, whether Klavier liked it or not.

thanks for reading!

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