Harsh man. Why are you so paranoid. Said a young boyish voice.

                                  I turned towards the butterflies.

                                  "Who said that?"

                                  Said what? Questioned Rossa.

                                 "A butterfly asked why I was 'paranoid'."

                                  And what you said was harsh. Don't forget that.

                                  I heard it that time.

                           I am not an it!

                           I meant your voice, the sound. Wait, how did you hear me?

                          Well, as a gu-, great mind speaker, I can hear your thoughts. Also, you left the link open.

                           Oh...ok, said Rossa, though it sounded like a question. She had a peculiar look on her feline face.

                          "Which butterfly are you anywhere?"

                          A moment later was a movement from the back of the swarm. To my surprise a turquoise with violet winged butterfly flew forward. It was the one Rossa was hunting!

                                The butter, Whispered Rossa.

                                 Yes, the butter as you called me, chuckled the butterfly, but if you must know, my name is Aponi.

                                 "That is a very nice name."

                                Thank you Sabella, yours is wonderful as well.

                               " I-."

                                I was cut off as a soft feminine voice echoed through my head. Sabella, its time for training. Come on, we're out in front of the gate. 

                                It was the voice of Eira.

                                "Rossa, we-"

                                 I heard.

                          "Aponi, we-"

                                I as well, go to training. See you later. With a tip of his wing, Aponi turned a flew off and over to his swarm.

                                 Taking a deep breath, I started over to the gate.

            The Guide To The Soul Bound


               Yes you heard me, read me, size. The familiars size and their bonded are connected. As they bind, everything is connected. Say one is younger, usually with the familiar and not the 'summoner', the size will match up with the others. Their physical ageing or how they look, will become a rough draft the casters or other creatures age. So say a familiar is a kitten, how it appears to others will become older, say in it prime while still being a kitten. It sounds confusing but really it is not. Accelerated ageing to sum it up.

              The top acceleration is up to ' in its prime', for humans, about eighteen or so. It will not age for example, eighty in acceleration.

               For a caster, once meeting their familiar, the process speeds up faster than normal. It is best to keep an eye on the creature to be sure they are developing well. You don't want a hatchling falling too much as it grows into its paws.

                Unfortunately, as this process is great, it leaves both the summoner and the summoned vulnerable. You might be asking why? Or why the caster?

                 It is quite simple. The familiar is going through many changes. Changes require energy, and lots of it. Some changes hit when first met or a short while later. The energy amount is at the very least, double the amount a normally ageing creature uses. Some handle the transition better that others but in the end, every creature hits at least on of the spouts if going through the acceleration.

                 Most creatures transition in the ageing process. Be forewarned, and watch the creature. For all those that do transition, it will hit. The less it hits, it is the worst.

                 The reason the caster is vulnerable is of course because the familiar is vulnerable and because of the energy needed. The familiar needs more energy then it has so it takes from its bonded. When the ageing spout happens, be careful because that is when the energy sap will be the most strenuous on the both creatures.   

The Familiar Hearts (Formerly Known as The Familiar)Where stories live. Discover now