Chapter Four

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Natasha packed Tjs things which was useless because i had things at my house for him. She sat the duffel bag with his things by the door,And sat back on the bed completely ignoring me. So your mad at me i asked. She just looked at me and said your so annoying. Tj had woken up so we were about to leave. Natasha picked him up and told him she would see him later and she loved him. I took him away from her and we walked down the stairs and out the door.I strapped him in and drove off.


I walked in the house and into the living room and my mom immedialty took Tj and started to play with him.While she did that i went up in my room and got and took my cellphone off the charger and checked my messages.I opened the first one which was from Rebecca it read "Hey Babe". I always wondered why she called me that. I didnt even reply back she never could hold a conversation.The next one was from my bestfriend Dwayne asking if i was coming to the party tonight because he had a few girls lined up to meet us.Maybe i can get my mom to watch Tj just for a few hours. I walked back downstairs and asked my mom to and she looked like she wanted to tell me no but she just signed and said yes. I grinned and walked into the bathroom to shower and then get ready. Once i was done i told Tj i would see him later and headed to the party. I got the car and walked in the yard i already smelled the alchohol and seen already drunk people. Hey sexy some drunk girl said walking up to me i walked pass here a drunk girl is not attractive to me . I walked inside and replyed back to all the Hi's and Hello's everyone was saying to me. I walked in the kitchen to get somthing to drink and there stood Dwayne shoving his tongue down some girls throat. I just laughed and opened a coke. Natashas friend Taylor came in the kitchen and she saw me and shook her head and came up to and said "Shouldnt you be home watching your kid". I smirked and moved away from her i didnt have time to listen to her opinons.Some girl came up to me and asked to dance so we went and danced then she turned to me and kissed me and i kissed back.


The party started to die down at about 1 in the morning and i left.


I walked in my bedroom and Tj was laying across the bed. I turned his body over so he was on one side of the bed and stripped down to my boxers and climbed in the bed beside him and quickly dozed off.

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