Point To Ponder For Overseas Pakistanis...

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A/N:So there was this Urdu poem that was reminding overseas Pakistanis what they were missing out on. Someone emailed it to my Mom and she forwarded it to my uncles and aunts that lived abroad. That was the beginning of one of the most interesting internet wars I've ever seen, and it inspired me to write my own poem on the topic. My poem officially brought an end to that war because everyone united to support me. I love them for that. And I love Pakistan for being so awesome and beautiful. This poem is dedicated to Pakistan, Pakistani patriots and to all those Pakistanis living abroad.


Every dark tunnel ends in light       

There's a silver lining in every cloud                                                                                                        

Though it seems that through this political fight

We have covered our country in a deadly shroud

But its a land of all seasons and wonderful sights,

Beauties, talents, come on! We should be proud!

We survived not only earthquakes and floods,

Not only extremism and murders in cold blood

We're surviving Zardari of People's Party

Who, despite 'health problems' seems hale and hearty

Patriotism in your heart pushed aside,

You face pessimism and you decide,

To go abroad and live there instead

Did you really believe what the doomsayers said?

You say foreign lands are heaven on earth,

What about the land where you took birth?

You choose to live where you are a secondary race

When you know deep down, there's a far better place

Of course it’s not perfect, but no one is

I just wanted to tell you this

That Pakistan may be flawed, but so are we

If we change ourselves, there's no better place to be

So come back to this Pure Land!

It'll soon be revived if you help it stand!

If we're united, all hand in hand

Our country will surely fulfill your demands.

*This poem represents only my political opinions. It is not meant to offend anyone.

** This was written around the time when Zardari dissappeared due to health issues that were allegedly fake.

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