Chapter 4

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Caleb Pov

Me and Ashley walk to her house, I'm so happy we're having this sleepover hopefully it will repair our friendship. "So Ashley what are we about to do" I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "I don't know Caleb what do you wanna do?" She asks me smiling. Kiss you my inner voice says oh shut up I think. "Well we could watch movies or eat I'm fine with both" I say "you always want to eat"she says laughing. "Ok I go get the movie you go get the snacks" "ok" she says kissing my cheek then running off. Omg Ashley just freaking kissed my cheer. I need to stop I sound like a girl. We end up watching High School Musical the best movie in the entire world. During the end when Troy and Gabriella are singing breaking free Ashley looks up at me. We just stare at each other then I lean in she leans in to then BOOM we kiss. Our lips move in perfect sync like they were made for each other. We finish the kiss then she looks up and me and runs up the stairs. "Ashley wait" I yell running after her but she locks the door to her room. "Great where am I supposed to sleep now" I mutter under my breath. I feel kind of bad kissing her since she has a boyfriend but I mean she kissed me back so I assumed she likes it. Maybe she likes me I don't know I need to sleep too much has happened. Well this was a great sleepover (notice the sarcasm)

Authors Note💕
Hey guys they kissed ohhhh snap. Keep reading. Love Ariel

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