The Beginning

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Grace's POV

"Do you Grace Anne Helbig, take Chester Lionel See to be your husband, until death do you part?"

I looked into my husbands eyes.

"I do." I smiled. Chester looked down and smiled at the ground. The minister closed his bible and spoke loudly to the crowd. "I now pronounce you man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. See. You may now kiss your bride." Chester looked up with tears in his eyes. He pulled me close and placed his lips on mine.

Chester's POV

I pulled away and smiled. "I love you Grace." I whispered.

"I love you Chester." She whispered back. I took her hand and we walked away from the altar. I'm a married man. I am married to the woman of my dreams. I am her husband. We walked to the venue and sat down at our chairs. Everyone else followed suit and Grace changed out of her heels and into some flats. When Luca came over Grace's face lit up even more as the small child approached. My mom walked up to the table and I stood up, giving her a hug. "You grow up so fast Chester!" She said.

"Don't worry mama. I'll always be your little boy." I said. She smiled and then looked to Grace. "Speaking of little boy when do you get one?" She said hitting my shoulder. I looked over to Grace and we made eye contact and she smiled. "Soon mama. Very soon."

I thought about a future. The day I wake up to see my son or daughter in their crib and Grace looking over them. Teaching them how to play piano or ride a bike. Watching them grow into the beautiful man or woman they were meant to be. I can't wait for the day.

"Is Grace pregnant?!" She exclaimed. She put a hand over her mouth and Grace quickly turned around. "No, no she isn't." I laughed. "No Mrs. See, not quite yet." Grace said. Mom quickly shook her head. "Grace I am your mother in law now! Call me mom." She pointed out. Grace nodded and I gave me mom one last hug before she went to sit down. Not quite yet.

Grace's POV

I gave Luca a hug and he went to sit down. But to take his place were Mamrie and Hannah. They smiled and both came in for a hug. We smiled and looked at each other "Never thought you would be the first to get married." Mamrie said. I smiled and looked to Chester. "Neither did I. I never thought I'd be getting married in the first place. Let alone have kids." I snuck in. Both Hannah and Mamrie looked at me then smiled. "Grace are you pregnant?!" They asked. I laughed and shook my head. "No. But we are going to try. After Luca came it really changed my mind. I just don't want to go through the three years before that." I said. They continued to smile and Mamrie placed a hand on my shoulder. "You are going to be the best mom." She said. I smiled getting a little teared up and we hugged. I pulled away and wiped the small droplets of water beginning to leave my eyes. "I love you guys." I whispered. They smiled and walked to their table and i sat down. Chester grabbed my hand and I looked to him.
"I love you Grace." He said.
"I love you Chester." I leaned in and we kissed. I placed my forehead on his and we smiled.

Third person POV

Once again they stayed there in complete silence with each other as they rested their foreheads on each other. They were in love and they were letting everyone know it now. A love as deep as theirs is hard to find. It's when you look in the deepest holes and darkest abyss that you find it. Because it is so rare the movies in which the actors and actresses attempt to mimic it don't do a good job truly showing what this true love is. But right there would be the perfect movie. There will not be a day when one doesn't think of the other. They way they smiled at each other made you crave the relationship they had with each other. Now when looking from a distance you see something beautiful. Something with no imperfections or wrinkles. But as you move closer you start to see the wear and tear in something. Or someone. The new couple was perfect from a distance and up close.  No matter what has happened before it doesn't matter now. Because all that mattered to the now was each other. Before I walked away I heard them whisper to each other.

"I'll move any mountain for you."

"I'll drain any ocean for you."

"I'm madly in love with you Grace Anne See."

"I'm madly in love with you Chester Lionel See."

It is a start. I just wanted to get something out there for everyone to read since this is the first chapter. For all new people please go read the first book in this series: Grester: How It All Began. Thanks guys!! Vote and comment for what you are looking forward to in this book. You never know what will happen.

Grester: How It IsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora