Model In Disguise

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I think the beating in our hearts was put there to remind us that even when we are alone in the world, we march on.

That even in the enormous dark and quiet, we always have someone to lean on, to embrace and turn to. That even when we have no one else, we always have ourselves. When your mind says, I can't take it anymore, listen to your heart whisper, don't give up. I realize what life is all about; it's hanging on when your heart's had enough it's giving more when you feel like giving up.

If you want to live a great life, stop asking everyone else for permission. Stop seeking to live up to other people's expectations, and listen to your head, your feelings, and your heart. Be willing to take risks and to try what interests you.

Don't give up too early - and don't assume you'll fail. Give yourself permission to always be yourself, to be genuine with others, and to carve out your own path. In our heart love comes unexpectedly without any doubt or hesitation.

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