My life as a teenager (NOT YET COMPLETED)

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CHAPTER 1: What am I thinking right now? Me , a fifteen year old girl write a book? Acting like it has a chance to ever get published? "Anything is possible" , yeah , we'll see. I was sitting in my parents room thinking about doing this, writing a story about my life, again. I've tried it before but got bored with it. I look back at it and see it as a joke . I can't possibly of written a good tale considering I was like twelve and had horrible grammar. I still do actually , definatley not as bad though. I mean, I make many typos online . Especially if I'm talking on AIM (AOLinstant messaging), in case you didn't know. Though, I'm pretty sure if this book of mine ever went far it would be kids or teens , most likely girl teens, reading it. My family and friends of course will, right? Who ever I go or went to school with will probably check it out too because they know me. People that I love, and people i can't stand. I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't like me. I don't like a some people either , but any smart person knows that If they were ever to become famous, the people that never paid any attention to you or would constantly talk you will want to be your friend. Im telling everyone now, if you did not want to be my friend before. Don't even try now. Bye girl, lol. If your a brick head that had no clue what that meant, it means "laugh out loud". Parents especially. I understand how they may not understand the text talk , but I dont get how they think using a computer is so hard. Most of them use them at work and all but they have no clue how to use the apps on the ones we have to make things more simple. They know all the coding and that stuff like F5 to print and C7 to delete. (I made that up, do not attempt, you may look stupid or I will). Anyway, im talking about my mom basically. Her name is Susan, she works as a secratary at the Curtis Center , she basically answers phones and types reports of accidents. If I tell her about my friends driving me around she would say something like" Be careful. I hear stories about teenage driving all the time" blah, blah blah. Teenagers do get in accidents , but so do adults. Many teenagers are more responible then some adults out there. Im sick of hearing that kids don't know anything or we're all just young and think we are always right. Personally I do think a lot of kids think theyre right at times that they arn't but Adults are the ones that think because they older they have the right to say and do what they want and take control over the kids. They make more excuses then kids too. I am not proving the point that kids think they're always right. Im expressing my opinion.

Damn, I talk too much. I haven't even mentioned my name yet? Well, we can start with the basics now. My name is Olivia Elizabeth Giuffrida. ( I hate my last name). Whoever else is reading this and has that name, i'M sure you agree, or not. Ugh, I keep rambling on. I'm fifteen years old, my birthday is May 12th, 1994. I was born at the Pennsylvania hospital in South Philadelphia. I'm just going to say "Philly" for now on. I'm very lazy. I still live In South Philly, never moved, not even my house. I attended Saint Monica's all my life. From the pre- school, to eigth grade. Of course I'm in high school now, proud to say I've never been help back. I currently attend Philadelphia Electrical and Technology high school. I like it there, opposed to grade school at Saint Monica's. I was never late for school except for once in the third grade when I used to meet up with my friend Marissa in the morning and walk to the junior school with her. She made us late. There's two buildings , the junior and senior. When I went it was K-4th in the junior, then they had a K class with a different teacher and then 5th-8th in the senior. That school is probably one of the most, if not the most, expensive Catholic grade school in South Philly. They are so expensive to send a child to, yet the cheapest when it comes to the faculty spending money. No, I honestly do not care if any of them read this. I stuck with the friends I made there and talked to them all my years attended SMS (abbreviation). We weren't what you would call "the popular clique" more like" we don't give a shit what you think". I was myself. I talked to everyone but I did not like them. I found many of them fake. Again, this book is how I feel. I was not upset graduating. If I could of chosen to go to another school , I would of. I here my friends now say they were so close with their class. I'm pretty jealous of that. When I tell people I went to SMS they say "Girl! you did not!, you don't seem like it!". I take that as a compliment. That shows you that not too many people like the kids their. My one friend thinks that school brainwashes kids somehow. Back to High school. I get good grades, LOVE the people and friends I made their. It has a bad REP (reputation,duh.) However, if you choose to pay attention , you get a pretty good education. A few of my friends make a joke out of me going there like "You didn't get into Southern" . Its not like that. Despite the rumors, my schools pretty strict. They have the annoying NTA's on every floor barsking at you if your I.D isn't on and if your shirt is tucked out. Get this, we have to have ALL black shoes. no color what so ever. They make kids color in the colored spots (usually white) with a black sharpie, no lie. They are very strict. Sometimes they over do it. I think they want us to tell our parents when they yell at us so the parents think they are trying to teach us and get us ready for work and they want them to think we are being"tamed" . The teachers tell the parents we have homework every night and all that other mesh, when we don't. Not that we want any, don't get the wrong idea teachers. I'm currently a sophomore. I just started a few weeks ago. Last year was funner so far but this years been pretty good. Gym this years pretty fun. We have DDR (dance , dance revolution). I do that most in gym. I know a lot of the songs because I would play it at driftwood, my summer campground. Oh, I mentioned a school named Southern earlier. Its a high school ranked one of the top worse schools in the whole United States. Many kids drop out of other schools and go there. They recently got uniforms. There are rumors that people get jumped and stabbed and any other kind of abuse in that school. Is it true? maybe. You can't judge unless you go there though. My cousins went there before and they said that does not happen there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2009 ⏰

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