Chapter 16

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Repunzle's P.O.V

I turned around to see....


What is she doing here?

What truth is she talking about?

I turned to Jack, who looked pale, like he just saw a ghost.

What is going on?

"Jack what truth is she talking about?"

"Fuck." He said under his breath before looking up at me. "Repunzle I love and I swear I was going to tell you."

I took my hands out of his.

"Tell me what?"

"That I-" He started before Merida interrupted him.

"That he has been lying to you from the start, you four-eyed feak. You didn't really think he approached you because he liked you did you?"

I turned to look at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, Jack didn't tell you?" She taunted.

"Tell me what? What are you guys talking about?" I said getting irritating.

"Oh sweetheart, there are a few things Jack likes to do and do you know what those things are?" She asked.

I shook my head.

What was she trying to say?

What things?

"Oh he just absolutely loves to make bets." She said confusing me.


What is she-

"Merida, stop." Jack said behind me. "Don't do this."

"Do what Jack, tell this poor innocent girl that you've been playing with her?"

"Jack?" I said getting scared. I could feel my heart beating faster and not for a good reason. "Just tell me, what does she mean by playing me?"

"Repunzle I-"

"What I mean is that all you were to Jack over these 2 past months was just...a bet."

"A bet....what are you talking about?"

"Oh, you didn't know." She said grinning at me. "Jack made a bet with a friend that he could make you fall in love with him in the time it took to turn in our 3 month project."

I froze.

"Jack?" I said turning around to face him. "Is that true?" can't be true.

He didn't answer. Making my heart leap out of my chest and knots twist in my stomach.

Why wasn't he answering?

Was Merida telling the truth?

"Jack?" I said louder, I had to know. "Is what Merida saying true?"

He nodded his head.

I felt myself shatter, how could he do this to me.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I started to shake.

Not only because I was upset but in anger as well.

All the things we went through....all those promises we made....what we did yesterday.....what we said.....his proposal....

Was it all a joke to him!?

"Why?" I asked. I had a right to know!

"Because Jack loves a little challenge." Merida answered.

The Bet ( A Jackunzle FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora