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Caboose was always the curious one. Always the one to mess with things that would probably get him in trouble all because he was curious. He didn't care though, because to him, it was fun. This time however, he messed with the fuel lines on board a space ship orbiting an unknown planet. Tucker and Sarge appeared behind him, angered looks on their faces.
Tucker looked Caboose dead in the eye, his eyes twitching with rage. "Caboose! What did we tell you about exploring the ship!?"
Caboose, now with a panicked and guilty look on his face responded "I- I was just looking at the tubes! They make hissing noises and I like hissing noises although it scared me one time so I pulled it out"
"You don't just go pulling random tubes out Cab-" suddenly a loud speaker filled the room
"Warning, fuel line disabled, engines failing"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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