Six - "you have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into"

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Mikey couldn't breathe.

Every part of his body was screaming for oxygen, his mouth gasping for breath as he struggled for air, the noose secured tightly around neck, squeezing his airways.

He'd been helpless and no matter how hard Ray had tried to get to him, Ray had been forced to watch as Mikey was dragged away by the ropes.

And now, after being dragged through multiple walls - which was a really weird sensation that he didn't want to repeat - and across the floor, Mikey found himself in a white padded room, hanging barely a few inches of the ground and suspended by a noose.

For a while, he struggled to free himself, but with his limbs tied up, he was a hopeless cause.  The edges of his vision were going black and spotted and Mikey's mind seemed to stop screaming, seemingly giving up as it realized it wouldn't be long before he died of asphyxiation.

Mikey's eyes closed, his consciousness beginning to leave him and his last thoughts flew to his brother.

Please let him get out of here. He begged silently.  Gerard, I love you, just get out of here please.

And Mikey waited for the sweet release of death.

But it didn't come.

Just as he thought he was leaving this world, he heard a loud snap! and collapsed to the ground in a painful heap. His eyes remained closed as he coughed and his lungs took in copious amounts of sweet oxygen, his senses slowly coming back to him.

He felt cold fingers remove the rope from his neck and begin to loosen the ropes around his body. His eyes slowly flickered open, blurry vision landing on a dark haired figure whose hands worked expertly with the rope, loosening them and removing them from Mikey's lanky limbs.

"Who...?" Mikey tried to ask, being cut off from another coughing fit. He heard the stranger chuckle to himself and Mikey wondered how this person could be laughing when he had just nearly died.

Mikey's vision finally came into focus as the last of the ropes were removed, landing on a mass of curly hair and brown eyes with sickly pale skin.

"Ray?" Mikey croaked out in disbelief.

Ray looked up at Mikey, smirking, and Mikey nearly jumped out of his skin as he watched Ray's familiar brown eyes flash a bright red.

"Oh no," he replied. "Not Ray. Not yet."

Mikey scrambled away from him, his eyes wide with shock and fear, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. Ray laughed before firmly grabbing Mikey's shoulder, his unnaturally strong grip holding him in place.

"Who are you?"

Ray smiled wickedly. "I have no name, but soon, I will."

"What do you mean?"

Ray motioned to himself before Mikey realized what he meant.

He was becoming Ray.

"How?" Mikey demanded fearfully. "Why?"

Ray laughed sadistically. "You and your friends have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into, what's going to happen to you."

Mikey gulped.

"With every minute your brother spends searching for you three, we grow stronger, more human, feeding off of your fear and pain. We learn from you, the way you act, your emotions and feelings. We become who you were. And with every moment, you become weaker. The closer you come to your death, the more we become like you until eventually, your soul is too weak to carry on, killing you and supplying us with new bodies."

Mikey felt his body chill to the bones, every aspect of his mind screaming to run, to find Gerard an the others and get the hell out.

"Then why don't you just kill us?" Mikey stuttered out.

"Because killing you wouldn't do the trick. We have to break down your mind and body, your will to live. And it's not just your spirit, but your brother's as well."

"What are you saying?" Mikey asked. What were they doing to his brother that was so important. What did Mikey have to do with it? He felt his fists clench as he realized that they planned to not only kill him, but his brother and friends as well.

"Your brother has been through quite a lot, and because of that, his will, his spirit is strong. It will take a lot more than just his own suffering to break him. No. He has to loose everything he has to live for. His best friends... His brother. He believes he is fighting to save you, but all he's really going to do is watch you die." Ray laughed again, his curly hair bouncing with the movement.

Mikey felt tears prick his eyes as he realized that they were all going to die. They were trapped in some sort of hell with demons or something that were intending to torture them to their breaking points. There was no escape.

"Take me," Mikey whispered. "Kill me and let them go, please." Mikey begged.

"You act as though you have something to offer in return," Ray laughed. "You're already going to die. Your life as an offer means absolutely nothing."

"Then just spare Gerard, please!" Mikey cried out. "I'll do anything."

Ray shook his head with a smirk, getting up and walking across the room.

Then Mikey realized something he should've thought of before.

"Is Ray dead?" Mikey choked out.

"No. Not yet. But he will be soon, as will Frank."

Mikey's body shook with grief and fear, the knowledge sinking in. "Where is Gerard?"

"Currently running from one of our little hallucinations we set up for him. Keeping him distracted until we're ready for the first sacrifice."

"Sacrifice?" Mikey spat the word in astonishment. "You call these sacrifices?!"

"The giving of one life so that another may live. What else would you call it?"

"The giving of a life?! How about the unwilling taking of life, huh?"

Ray shrugged. "It works either way."

"Why us? Why can't you just let us go?"

"Because we've waited a very long time for this opportunity and we aren't letting it slip away."

Mikey groaned, tears still slipping from his eyes, mind worrying about Gerard, Frank, and the real Ray. He wished he knew how to get them out of this, but he didn't. He was hopeless.

They all were.

"Now," Ray said, approaching Mikey with something that looked suspiciously like a straight jacket. "Let's see if this fits, shall we?"


Lmao wow another update. I wasn't even inspired for this hit I wrote it anyway.

I hope you guys like the direction im taking this. What do you think is going to happen?

Be prepared for a lot of tears soon. I'm already giving myself feels thinking about what I'm going to write. Oh god.

Hope you enjoyed

As always

Stay spoopy


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