Clean Home

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The ride home was longer than usual, St Anna Memorial Hospital has been our family hospital for years that was where my brother and I were born. We usually go there for check up on any health issue and mum or dad will drive us home after the check.
I don't think it took this much time for us to get home.
I was just thinking of how far the journey home is when I got a tap from my back it was Val I looked back and he smiled and said
" Are you OK?"
"Am fine" I replied with a smile.  I looked around to see that we are home.
Mary stopped the car and val came over to my side, he opened the door and helped me out of the car. He held my back with his right hand and my hand with his left hand as if am so sick.
"Am fine" I said with a smile, he didn't reply me and he pretend not to have heard me. I gave up trying to let him know am OK and can walk on my own. He can be very caring when he wants to be.

As we walked into the open door which Mary have already unlocked. I looked around the whole sitting room again. The memory of everything that happened here came back to me. I couldn't move anymore. Val must have sensed my mood he just grabbed my hands tightly and whispered into my ear
"Let me take you to your room"
I couldn't speak I was I just nodded and moved along with him. But I noticed that the house was so tidy. I have never seen out house this good since mum died. I thought no one cared anymore.

I got to my room and sat down on my bed.
"I will be downstairs in case you need anything" Val said as he closed the door behind him.
I was alone again, I looked around and noticed that just like the sitting room my room is now sparkling clean and in order. The dirty heap of cloth by the corner was no longer there. Someone must have done all this while I was away in the hospital. Mary maybe. I just pulled my cloth and went into the bathroom and had a nice hot water bath. Came out, immediately my head hit the bed i feel asleep.

When I woke up it was already getting dark. I look around me not recognizing where i was. It took me some seconds to remember that I am in my room. I sat up and went to my wardrobe picked out a night wear.  putting it on i headed downstairs to find something to eat I was already feeling hungry.

I got to the sitting room I didnt see anyone. I headed to the kitchen. There I saw Mary preparing dinner. She saw me coming she just smiled.
"Hungry?" She asked
"Yes " I answered sitting down. "Dinner will be ready in a jiffy". I didn't know what to do while waiting for dinner or what to say to her. But till this moment it have not occurred to me that Mary should not be in our house any more because she was not legally married to my dad. After thinking about that I decided to talk to her.
"So when are you leaving?" I asked
"Sorry leaving to where?" She turned to me with a look of surprise in her face.
"Leaving our house?" I said
"And why do you want me to leave?" She asked this time without looking at me.
" Because you are not married to my dad" I answered.  She turned to me and smiled. Coming close to me she said
" I don't want to tell you this please talk to your brother Val ok" she went back to her cooking. "I couldn't find Val on my way to the kitchen" I said looking around as if to find val inside the kitchen.
"Because he went out for the night and won't be back till tomorrow."

I sat there feeling so lonely, for the first time in my life I felt like a total stranger. What secret could there possibly be that I don't know of and Val will have to be the one to reveal it to me.
My mind ran toward so many directions. Maybe dad married Mary secretly without letting me know only Knew about it.  Well I can't wait for Val to come back tomorrow and tell me what the big  secret no one wants me to know is.

She served dinner and we ate in silence since we have nothing to talk about. I wished my brother was around. And I was a little bit sad that he didn't inform me that he was going out for the night. Dinner was soon over I helped clear the table and we bid each other good night and I went to my room.

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