3; Heartbreak

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Amethyst's POV:
I can't believe that she hugged me last night. I think I may have a crush on her. But, she may be straight. I saw pearl on her phone, when she suddenly burst into tears,
"What's wrong P!?" I sat next to her.
"Rose is with Greg.." She cried for a while.
"So...?" I said perplexed.
"I liked her." Pearl started to cry again.
"I am sorry. If she doesn't like you, then just don't talk to her. If she won't treat you right, just ignore her." I said, lost for words. Pearl hugged me.
"Thank you Amethyst." I was blushing.
"Why are you blushing?" She asked. That made me turn even more bright purple.
"Uh. I NEED TO GO TO CLASS BYE!" I panicked and ran as fast as I could.

Pearlmethyst; College AUWhere stories live. Discover now