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I sat in my room, thinking. She kept wanting to talk to me.......... Wait ........... I never told her my name. How did she know? I shrugged, maybe she heard something about me. Whatever, she'd know how much of a freak I was now, anyway.

I purposely avoided her for 2 weeks. I sat where I knew there would be no free seats, so she couldn't talk to me. I felt horrible, but it was better in the long run. I was used to being teased, but she was new here and didn't want her to suffer because of me.

I sat down, at a table outside, with my lunch. Angela wasn't here today, so I was on my own. Or so I thought.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

Oh for the love of ..............................

I turned to see Alice looking at me. Good God, this girl does not give up.

"Alice, I told you, people here hate me. So, it's better for you if you just avoid me. Everyone else does. You're new here, you don't deserve that." 

I lost my appetite, and stood up. Alice looked up at me, looking annoyed.

"You can try to avoid me, Bella. But, I will get you to open up. I don't care what people think. People's opinion don't really matter to me, unless it's my family or someone I care about." 

She walked away, and I just sat down, thinking.

I will get you to open up?

What did she mean by that? I got the feeling she wasn't going to give up. I'd been back for almost a month and had been getting constant abuse. Alice had seen it a few times, and I was pretty sure she didn't know. She wouldn't want to have anything to do with me if she did.

I walked into biology late. I had been held up, literally. Against a locker. And where was the only free seat? Next to Alice. I swear, what is it with this girl? Something or Someone wants me to get closer to her. But, I just couldn't.

I sat down and took out my stuff. She smiled at me, we had a free class, the teacher was sick.

I noticed her writing something. The teacher supervising was pretty strict and if anyone spoke, he would shout. She passed me a note.

I meant what I said, I want to be your friend.

OK, she clearly doesn't know.

Alice, I meant what I said, you don't deserve what would happen to you if we did become friends. It's better this way. I never said I didn't want to be your friend, just that it would be better if we weren't.

She read that, and looked at me. She was annoyed.

I don't know what people say, I only talk to my brothers and sisters. I don't listen, but I know people don't like you. I don't care what people say, I want to get to know you.

I shook my head. She just didn't get it. I don't know why I cared so much about her getting hurt, but I did.

The bell rang and I left.

I got home and made something for my dad, he smiled and thanked me. I'd been thinking about it for a while, and he must've noticed something was wrong.

"Bella, did something happen at school?"

I looked at him. 

"Nothing worse that usual. Can I ask you something?"

He finished his dinner and looked at me. 

"You can talk to me, Bella. What is it?"

I looked down at my hands, thinking.

"There's this new girl at school. She keeps trying to get to know me, but I just ............... I can't. She says she doesn't listen to others at school. But, I'm afraid, dad."

My dad sighed.

"What's her name?"

"Alice Cullen."

He nodded, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I know her father. He's a doctor. Well, I think it would be good to get to know her. You don't have to tell her straight away. Just get to know her, Bella. If you feel like you can tell her when you get to know her, then that's fine. You don't have to do it straight away. It'd be nice to see someone other that Angela and Seth around here. Hey, I've seen his kids. Which one is Alice?"

He wanted me to get to know her? I suppose he was right. It may be good to get to know someone else, I just wanted to take it slowly. I was pretty close to my dad, my mom left when I was a kid and I haven't seen her since.

"She's petite, short dark hair?"

He nodded, looking at me.

"Yeah, I've seen her."

I cleared up and went upstairs. I did my homework, thinking. Maybe it would be OK, if I was actually nice to her.


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