Chapter 2

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"This would look so pretty on you!" Mrs Choi said as she handed me a striped white and navy dress with a laced belt.

"Ahh eomonni, I don't really wear dresses..." I politely refused.

"I know! That's why I pulled this out. You would look very pretty in it." she insisted.

"I'm not really a big fan of my legs though. I'm more comfortable in jeans." I said again.

"Okay, but can I just buy it for you? Maybe you can wear it when there's an occasion." Mrs Choi suggested.

"Keudae eomonni. Thank you" I sincerely thanked her and gave in.

We had a late lunch at a posh restaurant. I looked at the price list and it was so expensive I didn't even feel like eating anymore! I mean for the amount we are getting?! I am so not made for fine dining. Mrs Choi chose the food to her liking as I said I don't really know what was good there. Surprisingly, it was tasty and I felt my stomach bulging, if I didn't stop it would have exploded.

We finished off with dessert and drove right back home. It was a day well spent. I suggested to Mrs Choi that I wanted to work part time at a cafe downtown. At first she disagreed and said if I needed money, I can get it from her. However I said I just wanted something to do and get my mind off certain things and the best way to do that is to work. She half-heartedly agreed and told me if I couldn't cope with work, I should quit immediately. I didn't want to just sit home all the time. Plus, knowing I'm not wanted there by a certain someone, I'd rather stay out.

The next day in school~

Junhong's POV:

Aish, I can't even go out after school because of that girl. Father cancelled my credit cards and only gave me $50 to spend the whole week. How could he do that to his son just because of a stranger? 

Lesson's about to start soon. I'm not even in the mood. But, since when have I ever been in the mood for school. There's a small quiz too! At least I studied a little bit last night. Should be fine right?

"Alright class, prep yourselves. I'm giving you the whole hour for this quiz, it is included in your final grade so please think before you write. Good luck, you may begin." the teacher announced.

*Test over*

The test was easier than expected. I guess studying really paid off.

"Yahhh.... how annoying was the test man. I couldn't answer a single question!" Jongup exclaimed in my face.

"Oh jinjja? I could at least answer a couple." I lied, because I knew if I said I studied they would laugh at me for it.

My mind couldn't seem to focus on the lessons. I kept thinking about how I was going to survive with only $50. Ugh. I glared at Aerin. She seemed so nonchalant laughing with her friends after causing me this misery. So annoying!!

Aerin's POV:

"Have you seen the new Beast's music video?! There were so good looking!" Ji Eun exclaimed while fanning herself.

"Oh yea! It was good." Taemin replied.

"Good? That's all you say?? It wasn't good! It was the best!!!" Ji Eun fangirled.

"Yah, stop fangirling so much. You look like you're about to die of happiness." Luhan said.

"Okay okay guys. I'm hungry. Let's go eat." I said, changing the topic.

"I agree!! Let's go!" Jongin yelled 

We made our way to the cafeteria. They kept talking about going shopping after school. 

Second Confession [Choi Junhong]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora