"He told me we should stop caring about him,"you said sitting up to look at the young Salvatore.

"And knowing you Y/N you probably said fine we will,"he said looking at you.

"What was I suppose to say?"You asked as tears again started roliing down your cheeks.

"Its ok Y/N I'll talk to him,"Stefan said pulling you closer.

"Why are you always there when I need to shoulder to cry on?"You asked remembering all the times Stefan was there for you.

"Because I'm not Damon,"he answered making you smile.


"Well I have to get going and try to find my brother,"Stefan said letting you go just a little.

"Yeah and I just wanna eat and get to bed,"you said as Stefan got up.

"I'll call if I need help with Damon,"he said stopping at the window.

"And I'll be there as quick as my hybrid legs can take me,"you replied as he jumped out to go in search of Damon.This is how it goes almost every night poor Stefan having to go look for a drunk off his ass Damon most nights its ok but sometimes Damon can be a total pain so Stefan gives you a call and you go help get him home.You made your way down the wooden stairs as they cracked under your feet.

"Y/N you ok now?"Connor asked with a slight smile.

"Sure what we eating?"

"Pizza,"he said walking into the kitchen.

"Awesome,"you said taking a few slices when you were done eating you took a shower then got into bed.

"Do I look lonely?I see the shadows on my face.People have told me I don't look the same."You heard your phone ring making you grab it from your bedside table.

"Yeah?"You asked still half asleep.

"Y/N I need your help,"came Stefan's voice filled with panic.

"Where are you?"You asked getting up.

"At home just hurry,"Stefan said as you opened your window.

"On my way,"you said putting down your phone,you didn't even bother putting on shoes or something over your pajamas just jumped out the window and started running,you could feel the wet soil being soaked up by your socks but didn't care because Stefan needed your help.You got the Salvatore house in no time and ran in.

"Stefan?"You shouted looking around frantically.

"Y/N study now,"Stefan said pushing you towards the said room.

"What's wrong?"You asked as the two of you got there,Damon was sitting on a chair with a wooden stake laying on next to him.

"What does she want?"Damon spat bitterly when he acknowledged your presence.

"Damon what the hell are you doing with that stake?"You asked trying to take a step into the room but Stefan pulled you back.

"Stay outside or I will use it,"Damon said turning to you and Stefan,you could see this wasn't the Damon you knew this man was broken and hurting.

"Damon please I'm begging you don't kill yourself,"you pleaded looking into his eyes.

"Why not?"He asked with a frown.

"Because I love you,"you said making Damon get a look of shock on his face.

"You what?"He asked as you looked away.

"Yes Damon I do actually love you."

"But how can you after everything I've done?"He asked making you look at him again.

"I don't know its just that I'm in love with you,"you answered as he walked closer to you.

"Well I think I'm in love with you to,"Damon said pulling you close to his chest.

"You smell like alcohol,"you said taking a deep breath in.

"I could use a shower or a relaxing bath,"Damon said making Stefan chuckle.

"I'm going to bed night Damon,Y/N,"Stefan said then went to his room.

"And I could use some sleep,"you said pushing away from Damon a little.

"Or you could join me,"he whispered seductively in your ear pulling you closer again.

"Or I could do that,"you said taking his hand and pulling him up to his room to the bathroom.This was going to be an amazing night.

Hey Choc Chips

I know I haven't updated in like years but here's another imagine.Remember requests are welcome so leave a comment or lemme know with a message.Thankxx for reading and all the votes.Love you all so muchies.❤♡∞

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