t w e n t y - e i g h t

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Cas held Dean in his arms. His tears had dried now but still left wet patches on the top of his collar.

Castiel looked down at the hunter with a gaze of sadness.

Dean looked so peaceful asleep. As if all the worries of the world had been lifted from his shoulders.

The bright sunlight made shadows dance across his heavenly face.

Cas sighed. If only things were different. He could almost picture having a life with Dean.
Getting married.
Having kids.
The whole white picket fence deal.

But then something struck him. He didn't want any of that and neither did Dean.

Sure getting married and having kids was at the top of a list but they would never get used to settling down.

If only.

Dean started to stir from his sleep and his eyelids fluttered open.

Cas leant down and kissed him.

"I love you" He breathed and Dean smiled sadly.

Cas stood up and brushed the dirt of his clothes.

Dean stood up aswell and put a hand to Cas' cold cheek.

"Please don't" Dean begged.

"I love you" Castiel repeated.

Dean turned away and tried to hide his tears. He heard Cas shuffling around behind him and then the woosh of his departure.

"If only" He breathed.

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