t w e n t y

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"Baby, don't smoke in here" Dean whined as the smoke drifted around the still night air.

"Come on, Dean" Cas pleaded and gave his boyfriend puppy eyes.

Dean groaned and rolled over. He wrapped his arms around Cas' waist and laid his chin on his lower tum.

"Please stop, Cassie"

"Hmmm..." Castiel paused and thought for a moment.

Dean sat up and leaned against the headboard, next to Cas.

"Here you try it, at least" Cas said and offered the cigarette to Dean.

"I dunno, Cas"

"Please Dean" Cas rolled on top of Dean.

"Fine, but I'm only doing this for you" Dean said, looking defeated.

Cas placed the burning cigarette in between Dean's heavenly lips.

Dean took a long draw of the smoke and removed the cigarette from his lips.

He slowly blew it it out in huffed breaths. He coughed and sputtered slightly.

He then dipped Cas' smoke into his fifth of whiskey. The cigarette soon sizzled out but the room was still hazy with smoke.

"Mmm.. you're so hot when you smoke" Cas groaned and began furiously kissing Dean.


The only sound to be heard that night was the licking and sucking of Dean and Cas.

And much to Sam's dismay the slapping of skin-on-skin and loud moans and groans.

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