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Chapter 1: The Definition of a Jerk

Kylie's POV

There comes a time when people reach their lowest, and I guess this right here, with my mom and I trying to sell most of the things we never use, things we've never touched, or things we can probably live without having is ours. I'd like to say that we're a family that's having a yard sale because we want to share our things with people who don't have anything, but that's  not the case. We're... financially struggling. Most of our bills need paying and my mom absolutely positively does not want to lose our house.

My mom's current job -she's an elementary school teacher- isn't really meeting our needs, but she loves what she does.  I could have gotten a job, but my mom really does not want me to. She wants me to stay in school and get the education I deserve. I understand that, but let's be honest; nobody deserves the cruelty that is called education. I mean, what does she think MATH stands for? We all know perfectly well what it stands for: Mental Abuse To Humans.

"Mom where do you want these boxes?" I asked her, boxes of old toys piled in my arms.

"Over there with your brother's old toys." She nodded her head in direction of the table. I made my way over and started laying the toys on the table.

We've been having yard sales for the past two weekends and we've earned a few hundred bucks so far which is great. We have money to pay things off and we're getting rid of unnecessary clutter in the house.

If only that meant we wouldn't have to rent out two rooms in the house. That part of this I actually mind and totally disagree with. Apparently a man and his son will be moving into our lovely home as of tomorrow. Am I happy about that? As i said before, no I'm not. I don't particularly like the idea of having strange males that I have not met sleeping a few rooms away from me.

A car pulled up along the curb and out came a mother and her twins, one boy and one girl. They came up the driveway and my mother rushed over to them. I noticed the woman as one of my mother's closest friend and coworker, Shay.

"Shay, what are you doing here!" my mother exclaimed happily.

"I told you I would stop by" she looked over at me and waved. "Hey Kylie, how have you been?"

I smiled and waved. "I'm alright."

"You're helping your mother out?" she asked.

I nodded. "Of course, although I think if she let me get a job there would be a huge load taken off her shoulders, but she won't let me."

Shay looked at my mother. "Why not? It could be good for her future resumé and it would build her character."

"I guess, but I want her to finish high school without any stress. I just want her to focus." my mother said.

I sighed and went to count the money we made so far. It was nearly sun down and we were getting ready to put the rest of the unsold things away. There wasn't much left which I was glad for.

"Mommy, can I get this coloring book?" Shay's daughter, Bella, asked.

Shay looked at her kids and smiled. "Sure, you guys get whatever you want."

"Yes!" they both cheered running towards a bunch of mine and my brother's old toys.

I had owned a few action figures when I was younger along with a few dolls so it wasn't a big problem for Bella's twin brother, MJ. I put the money safely in my piggy bank and walked toward the twins. They were currently fighting over a power ranger that I had decided to give up along with the rest of the SPD members.

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