Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I'm working on another fanfiction.! I won't be posting it for a while though. I'll be secretly working on it.

I wake up to an empty bed. I got word from the Resistance that the attack will be postponed for another two days, which I'm thankful for. I don't know if I have to power to take everything away from Kylo, not this soon. I want to get close to him again, like we use to be. But getting close again is what I fear most. All his trust will be put into me, and I don't know if I can handle that, handle the lying. While thinking, I hear the door open.

"Good Morning," Kylo greets, he's wearing his entire outfit, mask included. "Supreme Leader Snoke would like to talk to you."

"Me?" I scoff.

I watch him huff, leaving the room. I think he expects me to follow him, so I do. What could Snoke possibly want to talk to me about?

The walk with Kylo was quiet... And awkward. I trail far behind him, trying not to get too close. When we step inside the room is dark and cold. I step closer to Kylo, which results in him stepping even further away. I want to pull him closer, tell him I love him... But, I can't. I can't do anything on my own anymore. I have to help Leia, and prove to Maz that I am good. My love, however, deserves to trumpet all, but I can't let it.

"Krista," Snoke hisses, appearing out of nowhere.

"Hello," I greet, I'm nervous but I make sure not to let it show.

"I feel it, I've heard of it. You have done some dark deeds. Inside, you're conflicted." His voice booms, echoing around me. He raises his nose high and begins speaking again, "You're strong, so strong. Possibly the strongest, but you don't use your power. Here, Kylo can show you to be supreme."

"I'm just a prisoner," I defend, "I have no intent in joining your sinister ways."

"Oh," he interrupts, "but you will! If you do not, I will destroy you, and the resistance. However, I know there is someone you love more than yourself, more than your friends. Perhaps, he is standing right beside you."

I stand still, my eye twitching slightly. Kylo looks back at me, his hands bawling into fists.

"He's the enemy!" I scream, "I do not love him! I loved a man that no longer exists, actually, a man who is buried deep within Kylo, Ben Solo. I know he's there, I can feel it! And you're the problem Snoke!" I'm on the verge of tears and I want to runaway from the torture. All eyes are on me and I feel small.

"Leader Snoke, I'm afraid keeping her here is jeopardizing our man plan, capturing Luke Skywalker." Kylo turns from me and faces Snoke.

"I agree." Snoke speaks up, "Kill her."

"I'll call a stormtrooper as soon as possib-"

"No," Snoke interrupts, "kill her now."

"But, supreme-"


"I already showed you my worth! When I killed my father!" Kylo shouts back. Is he really fighting for me right now?

"Your father was nothing to you, however, she is not nothing. You live and breath for this child. Kill her or I will kill you both."

I step away, "No," I cry out.

Kylo reaches closer and closer, and I feel the world caving in. My breath gets shorter, and I can feel my skin tightening. Black swirls spin throughout my vision, and I can't see straight. Soon, the black swirls were mixed with a bright red light. Soon the swirls become irrelevant, and all I can feel is the pain. It burns, oh god does it burn. I look down, his saber piercing through me.  The pain, it's so awful. But, I don't feel like I'm dying. Is it suppose to be this mild. Within seconds my throat is clenching and I can't grasp any air. The ground beneath my feet was fading, all I feel is hot air around me. It only took a second for my body to collide with the ground, knocking me out cold.

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