Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Wow! You guys killed the reads for last chapter!!! Over 100 reads in less than 24 hours! Thank you so much! :)

"Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wounds last a lifetime." ~Mineko Iwasaki

In my head, I was already dead. The blackness consumes me, and I was gone. However, I was not dead, I was alive. I was waiting for the moment, but it never came. His eyes were burning through my skull, and I felt bare. Stripped away from all humanity. Part of me wants to be dead, to be free from the suffering I am enduring. The other half I believe is my strong side. That I have a purpose here in the galaxy. I did not want to die like this, not this soon.

"I can't do it," he huffs, slamming his fists against the wall, "Damn you Krista, your bite is too strong, too venomous on my brain."

"Kylo," I whisper, my eyes are still tightly shut, and I'm curling into a ball. Why won't he kill me already?

"DAMMIT!" He yells, throwing things around. I can't see anything, but every move he makes results in me flinching and scooting away.

He goes quiet, and I can tell he's beside me. His large hands pull at my wrists, "Open your eyes."

I refuse.

"OPEN THEM!" He screams, and I obey.

His eyes, they were bloodshot. Red lines of hate circles his dark, dark, pupils. His brows were furrowed and a snarl was on his lips. His scar was bleeding, and scratches were all on his face, they were new. My eyes trail down to his hands, blood covering them. They one thing killing me was the tears pouring, and running down his swollen cheeks. I reach to touch him, but he turns away.

"Don't feel sorry for me," his voice chokes out. He was coughing, and hastily wiping away the tears.

"Kylo," I beg, reaching for him again. This time, he allows it. My finger starts from his hairline. I trace his scar down, and I wipe away stray tears as I approach his lips. I wipe the corner of his mouth, and I look at him. His eyes lock onto mine, and we're just staring at one another. We don't say anything, just stare. It wasn't long until I was pulling him closer, and his lips smash against mine.

The kiss was soft at first, not rushed. As time went on, it deepens, and we kiss as if it would be our last. My hands tangle through his hair, as his are pulling me closer. So much passion was put into the kiss, so much hate, and love, and confusion. My hand slips under his jacket, and I tug it off. I want more, but I know it's wrong. I pull away, and look down.

I listen as he stands up, and kicks his jacket away, "I don't know what to do with you."

"Kill me." I mumble, because honestly it seems like his best option.

"Krista, I'm not going to fucking kill you okay? So stop insisting I do. If you think this is hell, and I am the devil.. Then leave, I won't stop you. But if you want to stay, I can't guarantee safety. I still don't trust you. And the kiss, it was in the heat of the moment. I think it's best if it doesn't happen again. I think for now you'll be held as a prisoner, unless you want to leave." He explains.

"I came here to see you didn't I? I don't want to leave you." I tell him.

"Then it is decided. Your room is still unoccupied." He says.

"Kylo," I choke out. He looks at me, his lips still puffy from the kiss, "Can I stay with you? Just for the night."

"We both know that isn't a good idea," he trails off.

"Right, I'm sorry for asking." I nod, my cheeks red in embarrassment.

"I'll walk you to your room." He says while walking over to me. He helps me up, and I look up at him. He's so tall, he basically towers over me.

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