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After school I go to Beatrice's Jeep.

She left her does unlocked, for me and since this neighborhood is beyond safe it's cool.

I get in and start the car.

My phone buzzes.

I immediately stop the car and I can't catch my breath. It's like there's not enough air for me to breath no matter how much I take in.

Easy Eliza.


No texting and driving. I don't think I'll survive another car accident.

Beatrice: u in my car right?

Me: yea. I'm about to pick Deja up from daycare.

Beatrice: cool thx

I close that chat and send Elijah a text.

Me: hey Barbarian you want me to stop by?

Elijah: nah my friends are here so by later I don't want to take up all your time.

Me: Alright I'll be over there soon enough.

I go get Deja and drop her off with Beatrice's mom. They wanted to have the day together.

I get back in the car and see my aunty texted me.

Aunty Winona: when you get out of school you should come by the church.

Me: I'm on my way now.

I have nothing better to do and I don't want Elijah to think he's taking over my life and I don't want him actually taking it over. I start the car and drive over to the church very carefully.

I see Aunty Winona standing in front of the church.

I park and meet her.

"Hi Eliza!" She greets, wrapping me in her arms.

We go inside.

"So what are you doing here today?" I ask.

"Prayer, after that, we are talking about ways to get youth to the church, then I think we're done here." She answers, going into the church.

I follow her to the alter and we get down on our knees.

I find my hands and close my eyes.

I have been coming to church more often and it hasn't been forced. I've come here, because the people here have answers to many of my questions.
Prayer has been easier to me, but I still have problems with a few of your rules.

Honoring my mother and father, am I going to hell? Can I not? Can you please just change that to honoring your father? You know how my mother is so how can I honor her when I can't stand her?

Don't have hate in your heart? I hate my sister. I'm not going to lie you made her so you know how she is and you expect me not too?

These are some problems I have run into. If these are answered then I'll know I'm talking to more than just air.


I open my eyes and stand up. That was a good talk.

Aunty Winona stands beside me.

"Alright, so do you want go downstairs. The others should be down there also."

I nod and we walk downstairs to the basement.

"Hi ladies!" The women greet.

We go and take a seat with them.

"Alright, so let's start off with prayer." The pastor's wife speaks.

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