The Morning After

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Bodies swayed to the music, the smell of sweat and lust thick in the air as I made my way through the crowd.

"Rosie baby, where have you been all my life" Josh slurred in my ear, wrapping his hands round my waist.

Smirking I ran my hands up his toned chest "no where near you" I shouted in his ear pushing him away. He shrugged and went off to find the keg. I carried on weaving in and out the crowd avoiding wandering hands.

"Rosie!" squealed someone from behind me. I turned to find a drunk Jenna grinning at me, "Babes you just have to come meet my latest man Dean, he's like a walking god!" Laughing I let her pull me back through the crowd to meet her so called boy friend.

Eventually we stopped in front of the hottest guy I had ever seen, at least 6 ft and with hair like spun silk. A walking God indeed. Jenna wrapped herself around him and he smiled at her. It was the smile that done it, I swear Jenna stopped breathing for a few seconds and just gaped at him. Admiration written all over her face.

"Hey I'm Rosie" I said holding out my hand, then he had to go and ruin it.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" he snarled at me " You can clearly see I'm busy with her, why would you think I have time for an ugly little slut like you"

I looked at Jenna and raised an eye brow. "Use protection, you don't know what you'll catch from-that" disgust clear in my voice.

She just giggled and threw herself on him.

I quickly exited and ran straight in to a solid chest.

"For the love of Ducks, If one more drunk idiot bumps into me , they will feel my wrath!" cried a very flamboyant voice.

I couldn't help it, I snorted "Feel my wrath? " I questioned then the laughter just spilled out "For the love of Ducks ?" I gasped out between laughter, holding onto his arm.

"It's not that funny Rose" Rye mumbled

"" tears escaped the corners of my eyes and all of a sudden my laughter stopped and the tears just bubbled over.

"Hey Rosie, shhh , don't cry! " Rye pulled me too him and rubbed soothing circles in my back.

"what's the matter?" he asked me worriedly.

"Jenna. new . Boy. Friend. called . Me . Little. Ugly . Slut" I sobbed out

"where is he I'll beat him up" his tone menacing.

The image crossed my mind and I cracked up laughing again.

"You , the most gay a guy could ever be beat up a 6 ft guy "

" eh 6 ft, I think I'll hire a hit man " he grinned at me.

I thought so " I wiped the last of my tears away and flashed my teeth at him, " want to get drunk?"

"I thought you'd never ask" he grinned his eyes shining mischievously.

I groaned as I rolled away from the sunlight glaring down on me and came into contact with warm skin. Slowing opening one eye at a time a naked chest staring me in the face.

"What the Fuck ? " I screamed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2011 ⏰

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