Getting cut off

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How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
- DragonsOfIceCream

Hermes: Huh...say what now?
Ares: What is this question!?
Hephaestus: Actually, its a-
Hermes: It has a "how" in the beginning and a question mark at the end, so I know its a question but I don't understand-
Ares: I don't care about your life problems!
Hephaestus: Ares, it wouldn't kill you to be calm-
Ares: They were trying to confuse us! Do you know what this means!? *shakes Hermes*
Hermes: uhh...that they're trying to confuse you?
Ares: No! This means WARR!!
Athena: Ares, shut up! *hits him upside the head* It's just a tongue twister...
Ares: Oh, what's that!? Is it a terrible new torture tactic!?
Hephaestus: As I was saying earlier, its actual-
Athena: Your density amazes me...It's only a figure of speech
Hermes: ooh!
Hephaestus: I knew that...if only no one cut me off-
Hermes: You do learn something new everyday!
Haphaestus: *sigh*

I hope I can be forgiven for taking so long to update. Please don't come at me with torches and pitchforks...

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