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HELP ME PLEASE!!! I want to write a story, a LONG story, and I can't think of anything. Should I write a fanfic? A fictional story? Potatoes? I don't know but PLEASE if you get any ideas tell me!!!

Also Anime_Panda_4_lyfe and darkreflection131, I left my phone on the bus so if your sending me texts, I won't see them until tomorrow.

Good thing my phone is absolute poop, no one will want to steal it. There isn't even a back to my phone!!! The battery held in place with tape and a purple sparkly sticker.

Well, if you excuse me, I'll be drawing something that will take like, 50000000000000000000000000000000000000 hours to draw. Peace out!

Also, if I chose your story, I'll let you name it :) I'm just not thinking of anything today 0__0

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