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The next day had come when Connie and Jacob decided to everyone that she was pregnant in fact she was four months pregnant the only people who knew was Jac, Charlie, Zoe and Jacob himself and so they decided to tell everyone together that they're having a baby together and if someone didn't like it they could leave the ED.          

Jacob woke up and Connie was laid on Jacobs chest and her tummy was touching his left hip and then Connie rolled over and so Jacob rolled with her and put his hand on Connie tummy and feeling the baby which when he put his hand on her tummy he had a cheeky grin on his face. Then Connie started to smirk and rolled back over and they started to kiss and laugh. Then Connie and Jacob decided to get up  Connie put some Jeans on and a blouse and Jacob put a vest top on and some tracksuit bottoms and then they went down stairs.

Jacob was start the top of the stairs when Connie came over and Jacob starting kissing her and then she moved backwards towards the edge of the step and pulled away turned round to go down stairs when she lost her balance and fell down the stairs and there she groaned in pain at the bottom of the stairs.

Connie moaned as she moved on the cold soft carpet at the bottom of the stairs and Jacob came running from the top of the stairs and ran to help Connie and it being they there day off Jacob helped Connie get her coat and shoes on  and then Jacob being very worried he drove her instantly to Maternity wing at Holby City Hospital.

While driving Connie to the Hospital Connie phoned Zoe and Jac and told them that she would be in the maternity wing at Holby as she fell down the stairs and she didn't know if the baby was OK or not and that her wrist was also hurting. Jac was waiting there with Zoe  as Connie and Jacob arrived and Mr T was ready to examine Connie after her fall and so Mr T did an emergency ultrasound.

As Connie and Jacob saw there baby for the first time on the ultrasound machine, a tear appeared and started to run down Connie face when Jacob noticed and held her hand more tightly now more ever before and kissed her on the forehead when Mr t began to speak.

"I'll be back in a minute." Mr T said calmly as he could see Connie had tears running down her face.

Connie started to become more increasingly worried as Mr T hadn't told them anything and hadn't come back yet then Jacob hugged Connie as he knew she was worried and then Mr T came back with Jac and Zoe and Mr T told Connie and Jacob that the baby was OK and Connie would have to be on bed rest for a while and to have her arm checked out as it was badly bruised they discharged Connie as Mr T told them the baby was fine and she has a date for her next ultrasound and he told her to take it easy and no more falling and she had high blood pressure so she had to be on bed rest.

The whole ED found out by then as the rumours spread quickly saying Connie was pregnant and that she had fell down the stairs and so Connie and Jacob went down to the ED and told the staff 'Yes' they were having a baby and it's OK after the tumble and that they were also getting married and so everyone said congratulations to them and then they decided to go home after Connie had her arm checked out by Zoe and she put a wrist brace on Connie's wrist and then Jacob drove them home after the mad rush to there.

"How are you feeling now?" Jacob said while blaming himself for needing to take her to the hospital in the first place.

"Fine, just a bit shaken up, can we go home now?"Connie said while gently feeling her tummy.

"Yeah, sure. I love you and I would hate myself if anything happen to you or the baby." Jacob said while waiting at the traffic lights he held her hand.

When they got back into the house Connie took of her shoes and went upstairs to change into her fluffy pyjama bottoms. She then carefully walked back down the stairs. Connie then got a call from an unknown number and so she ignored the number unknowingly knowing that it was Grace calling her with her new phone ,in the US, Connie had bought for her birthday.

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