"I - need to know that we are in this together!?"

She was just looking at him without making a sound. She could hardly breathe, but she just needed to see in his eyes now if he was completely sincere that he would always disclose all to her.Words simply would not suffice, and he knew it.


Three witches waited for Esther in a small house in a village in Scotland mainland.

"Thank you sisters for responding to my call" Esther said as she got in.

"There were signs that an Original witch has been called forth" one of them said. "What is that you need from us?"

"You know of my misdeed- I wish to make amends and put an end to the pest that walks this Earth. My powers are limited as you know since I am just a shadow of myself. One of my sons has taken the doppelganger, and is masking their whereabouts- I need to know who is helping him and I need to get to the doppelganger, I've been told that you could help me. "

"We cannot help you!" the second one answered straight out.

"I don't understand why you would refuse. I have been told that you wish the same as I do?!"

" We cannot help you! " the third witch said and the three sister got up ready to leave.

Then one of them said - " The one must be protected. We had sworn we would do so!"

"Sworn to whom?" Esther insisted.But the three women said their goodbyes and left the house. Esther was left stunned. She thought of Klaus and Elijah, and the power they must posses to have every witch turn against their own.

But there was a witch willing to the same as Esther, and Damon and Katherine knocked at her door. She welcomed them into her house.

"There is no need for your introduction"- the witch said. "Your name precedes you." She looked at both of them. Damon was somewhat flattered.

"So, you were expecting us?" Damon said. Katherine smirked but remained quiet for a moment. The witch was not fond of vampires, but she was eager to see why those two sought her out.

"I heard you were looking for me, anyway, what brings you here- you are far away from your comfort zone, Katerina Petrova?" Yizel said. "And you have come to me? Why is that? "

" Klaus Mikaelson." Katherine said. "You hate the name, I guess as much as I do."

"I do." Yizel confirmed. The witches eyes were on fire as she heard the name of the Original hybrid. Same as Klaus killed all of Katherine's family, so he did to Yizel's. Katherine now got the the white-oak dagger out of her jacket.

"I suppose you know what that is?!" she said.


The words 'We are, Elena' never uttered played on Elena's mind as she was packing her bag. Bucharest. What will it bring, will it be a dead end, and then what. next. She looked at herself in the mirror. Do his eyes lie- her mind still was there at the point when she asked and he never replied they merely continued walking further. She could not hear his heartbeat to know what was going in him. What if she was blind and it will all blow out. She was mad that he didn't answer, mad that it felt like a limbo.

Elijah waited for her giving Zusta instructions about some paperwork she was to take to the notary the following day. As they finished, he sent a message to the his man that they were ready to be taken to the airport.

Elena came from her room, and they were set to leave.

"Thank you, Zusta" she said and smiled to the woman, " it was really nice meeting you."

Elijah let the women say goodbye to one another, and then they went down to the private dock then into the motorboat. Elena turned to glance at the Palazzo one more time. When they got into the plane he told her that he had booked a house in Bucharest.

"It's small" he said. "We would appear that we are there on business. I have not been there since 1900. I have received a message this morning that Lia Vladu is expecting us."

"Really? Who informed her? "

"Someone who is eager to know what these scrolls entail. Someone who is not my brother as he knows that we are going on a round trip in Eastern Europe. "

"You are not worried?"

"Merely interested. Those scrolls seemed to be precious. to others, not just us." Elijah remarked.

Us. Her heart wanted it. She turned her look to the clouds underneath them.


"Eastern Europe!" Klaus read the message Elijah sent him. "Hm..."  

East of the Sun-West of the Moon (Elejahverse)Where stories live. Discover now