Shadows fight to seize the dawn

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At the Mikaelson mansion

"As always creeping around, brother"- Klaus greeted Elijah as he walked into the mansion.-" Hungry, were you?"

Elijah gave him a cold look disregarding his comment. Yet Klaus would not let go.

"Is this about fair Elena?... Rebekah cannot keep her mouth shut. I couldn't care less-even better, as my blood bank that I need will be very close to the family, but you are stepping on Salvatore territory, and those two will kill for this've seen what Stefan has put me through!"

Elijah felt the need to charged at him, but decided to let it go and just passed by him, exercising such restrain as he knew that it was not wise getting into a brawl.

"This one you can have brother"- Klaus shouted after him smirking.

Elijah got into his room, and stood still for a moment re-channeling his emotions, those of rage, and then those that ripple whenever her name is mentioned. Ever since she had undaggered him, he battled with notion that she matters more than he cared to admit. One thing was true, Elena would have to battle Klaus forever, and yet, given the opportunity to end it all, she chooses to stop it, and it was clearly on his account. His undead heart fluttered like it hadn't done for a thousand year.

But now he had to concentrate on his mother's whereabouts. He changed and as he was putting a tie on, he thought of how much he hated the fact that his doubts came true. He straightened his sleeves and went out of the room. 


In the Boarding house

Stefan found Rebekah coming down to the lounge from Damon's room. He just gave her a glance without saying anything, she spat a 'what' back at him, but he only shook his head, sat on the sofa disregarding her presence. She walked out of the house. Damon appeared not long after, wishing his brother a good morning knowing a comment  about his indiscretion would follow, so he poured himself a drink of Bourbon.

"I see, you are back to your true self- "- Stefan remarked.

" It's early, Stefan, and I am still not in the mood to discuss any of my affairs with you or anybody else. I guessed you would still be at Elena's anyway."- Damon snarked.

"You guessed wrong. I did see her home, though. And that is all that I did or will do."- Stefan stood up, ready to leave the lounge.

"Come on, Stefan, let's put all this bickering aside, we know what this is... shall I spell it out for you?!- She only ever wanted you, didn't you know that?! -And truly, I tried to win her over- fair and square, but she didn't want me, she was clear last night ! Anyway, who really cares!  I can go back to being the bad guy, which suits me perfectly!"

Stefan was not surprised at his brother's little speech. He knew his brother very well and all his weaknesses and insecurities, and the way he hid them under the bad boy facade, but he was not in the mood to get into it at present, so he simply replied calmly-

" Keep telling yourself that."- and walked away.

Damon raised the glass after him, and sipped the whole drink down, then poured himself another one.


At Bonnie's house, there was no real progress.

"Nothing,"- Bonnie was  frustrated" -just a strange link for a witch in Romania, but it's really interesting though"- she got quiet and continued reading for a second, then she turned to Elena and said-" there is a spell that is probably the most similar to the one Esther has used. You said she bound them with your blood- "

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