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This is a one shot series for the Swan- Jones family. It is supposed to be a little bit of a part 2 to "From the Future" if you read that one. If you haven't then that's okay since these are one shots and will be posted in no particular order. If you didn't read the othere story here are the charcters you should keep in mind.

Lily- Emma & Killian's daughter
Liam- Emma & Killian's youngest child
Alex- Belle & Rumple's son
Elphie- Zelena's daughter under the care of Robin and Regina
Roland- Robin's son (Except he'll be much older)
Neal- Emma's brother/Charming/Snow's son (Won't be a baby in any of the one shots unless you request it)

This was previously on the other website but I thought to move it here and see if some wattpad users would like to read it.

If you want a one shot requested please send me a message or comment below. I'd love to see if I can write one.

The Swan-Jones Family (One-shot series)Where stories live. Discover now