"Yes of course, it's just... Is mom and dad going to be there?"

Aida frowns as he glanced up for a second to probably look at Zya telling Jay what to do today but he still answered my question by saying

"Of course not, I know for one thing is that Zya wouldn't want to put you through that even though he could be an ass at times. Plus, they don't know who you are, you know what I mean?"

"They will know Aida, I mean who else has named their damn child Plague? Hmm only one and that is me."

Aida sighed heavily knowing he wouldn't win this argument, I then hear Zya say

"Do not worry Plague, I didn't invite them to the meeting I also had Emee make sure that there was no invitation sent out to them."

I smiled at Zya, feeling more comfortable with telling the pack. I was not ready to meet my so called parents, it was definitely going to take a lot more time till I was ready to see them. All of a sudden the door flew open as I saw my brothers mate walk in with a glare plastered on her face as it hardened when she saw me. If she wasn't Aida's mate I would have killed her for looking at me like that. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm my self down. Then Jay rushed in giving Zya some clothes as Zya inspected them carefully. There was a red long shirt that would fit perfectly on me, it had black markings on the side. There was a red lacey bra and some normal size black long skirt that actually would look normal for once. I smiled at least it was better then what I had on. What I had on was more for a playful night time then a first pack meeting. Zya handed them to me as I smiled as Zya grabbed my wrist and started to lead me back to his bedroom. Once in the hall I saw Emee walking down with a glare on her face that seemed to darken once she saw me and what I was wearing. I knew straight away that I had to be on my guard now because of a lot of female wolves will soon hate me and try to take me out, those poor soul who thought they could take me. I then wondered to myself in my head, what was Emee's deal she has never glared at me before actually she was really sweet to me especially since I had came here when Zya bought me from the traders. I felt Zya shrug his shoulders thinking to himself well more like he was think to me

'Who cares what her deal is. If I remember correctly it's the day her father sold her to me many many years ago."

Zya pulled me into his room closing the door behind us quickly. Once in the room, Zya walked away from me as he sat down in the chair as I tried to rake through his thoughts again, but all I got was. 'Stay out of my thoughts Plague!' I narrowed my  eyes as I growled to myself and walked over to the bathroom as Zya then said before I closed the door

"Oh I forgot to tell you, those clothes you have on right now... is your pajamas for later tonight.. I plan to mate with you tonight and I want you to look your best for me tonight, got it?"

I  laughed to myself as I said

"Only if you wear a Candy man thong asshole"

An amused grin crossed Zya's face as he said

"That could be arranged my dare mate"

My grin slid off my face as I slammed the bathroom door shut cursing to myself as I heard Zya laughing loudly. Wow, I have never heard him laugh before it melt my insides with happiness but I recovered quickly remembering why he was fucking laughing about. I growled to myself as I got my clothes on finally feeling comfortable as I threw the stupid lingerie across the bathroom as I saw a small notebook on the counter. Curiosity got the best of me as I quietly opened it to an random page as I read... I know it is her, I could feel it in my heart. This woman, this strong powerful hateful women that lust to kill anything, anyone I told her to. This damn girl made me crazy.. This was my slave though and if she was my mate she would tell my right?!..... (I skipped a few pages).....This isn't right I shouldn't mate with this whore, it felt wrong especially when I had asked my mate to sleep in the room across from mine when I planned on mating with this ungrateful bitch. When she stormed in my room with shear hatred in her eyes like when I told her I planned to mate with Amaya filled her beautiful Aqua eyes. I knew she knows that I am her mate, I heard her practically yell it to Aida each time they would go off to "talk" especially that night I had her kill Rayne for me, she had blood all over but I had to tested her to see if she even would touch me. As I had found out she hesitated thinking about to even come close to me... I just knew she was my mate. I almost got her to tell me finally so I could be with her instead of Amaya but that stupid bitch walked in at the wrong time in that ugly so called lingerie....' All of a sudden, I then heard Zya yell

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