Don't Kill Me!

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I know this isnt an update, but i have something important to discuse with you all. This story WILL have a sequel, when its finished. Anyway, i was wondering, where should the story go from here? I want your opinions because I'm running out of ideas. Anywho~ i also have a list of questions for the sequel. If you DONT GIVE A SHIT, KEEP SCROLLING. Damn, okay, so they are:

1. Should Prussia and the reader have a son or daughter?

2. Who should the love interest be? This will be the second generation so micronations will be there. Plus Latvia. Because, HES FLIPPIN' ADORABLE.

3. Should the child be normal? Or be blind, deaf, mute, ect. Maybe leg paralysis. Should they have a learning disability? Dislexia, ADD, ADHD, ect.?

4. Should the other nations mentioned in the story have children aswell?

5. Names. I need them.

I know im ahead of myself with a sequel, but when i make it, which will be soon, I will need something to start it with. Okay, I think i have irritated enough people... im working on chapter 13 right now you Prussia lovers! :D okay, bye. -love, M.A.M.

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