"I guess it was my destiny to be a superhero," Marinette said. She glanced outside. "We'd better get going."

Tikki jumped into Marinette's apron pocket and she stormed out of the door.

When she arrived at the pub, it was nearly empty. Thank goodness. She checked in and then went into the back kitchen. Alya was chattering excitedly to Mylene.

"What's going on?" Marinette asked curiously.

Alya turned around and squealed. "Guess what? Rumor has it that the King is on a trip to a neighboring kingdom and he will be gone for a week!"

"Really?" Marinette asked, her eyes widening. Alya nodded and the two jumped up in down in cheer.

"For a whole WEEK we'll be free from the King!" Alya exclaimed.

"But I'm sure he'll still have guards checking up on the village," Marinette mumbled sadly.

"True. But who cares! At least HE is gone!"

Marinette smiled. "You're right."

"We need to celebrate," Alya said quickly. "The pub will host it, too. Tonight!"

"That sounds great!" Marinette replied happily. But with the King gone, does that mean the Prince left too? She desperately wanted to see Prince Adrien again.

"I can't wait! I'll spread the news," Mylene replied. She left the kitchen.

Alya tilted her head at Marinette. "Hey, you seem kinda sad. What's up?"

Marinette looked up at her friend. "Oh, nothing."

"Come on, you know I won't take that as an answer anymore," Alya said, crossing her arms.

Marinette sighed. She knew she'd have to tell Alya someday.

"Fine. I... MAY sorta have a crush on the Prince," Marinette mumbled sheepishly.

Alya gasped. "No way."

"Way," Marinette replied with a nod.

"But why HIM? He is the son of a ruthless and demented King!"

"I know!" Marinette exclaimed. She twirled a piece of hair with her finger and a nostalgic smile crept up on her lips. "But he's different. He's sweet and genuine and-"

"You don't even know the guy," Alya said. "For all we know he's putting on an act."

"It's not an act."

"And how do you know that?"

Marinette sighed. "I just do."

Alya sat down on a chair and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so let's just assume Prince Adrien is how you describe him to be. If he's so sweet and genuine, why would he allow his father to abuse his subjects?"

Marinette shrugged. "Maybe he doesn't know what Gabriel has done. Heck, we've never even seen the Prince step foot into our village until just recently. Plus, even if he did know, it's not like he could do anything to stop it."

Nino then barged into the kitchen excitedly. "Is it true? The King is gone?"

"Yep!" Marinette responded enthusiastically, desperately trying to get herself out of her current situation.

Alya narrowed her eyes at Marinette. "This talk isn't over, girl."

Marinette over exaggerated a smile and then followed Nino out the door. "Okay, bye!"

She sighed in relief as she exited the pub with Nino. He clapped his hands together excitedly. "I need to go tell Max," the boy announced before running off.

Tikki peeked her head out of Marinette's apron pocket. "He's gone! Which means we can train with ease and eventually bring justice to the Kingdom!"

"Yeah," Marinette nodded slowly. She smiled at her friend. "And now we have a party to get ready for."

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