Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with a banging headache.
What happened lastnight?
I rolled over to my side to find Selena completely passed out wearing nothing but her underwear.
Yep definitely a good night.
I tip toed out of bed and made my way downstairs to find some aspirin.
I checked the time...12:43pm.
My flight was at 6:30pm.
I really should get ready.
I didn't want to wake Selena so I quietly went into my room and picked an outfit then took it to the bathroom to get ready.
I must have been in the shower a good 30 minutes before I heard a knock at the door.

"Lace?" Selena quietly asked.

"Yeah sel?"

"I have to go, my Mum needs me" she whispered.
Why was she whispering?
Was she sad?
Of course she was sad, her bestfriend if 22 years was leaving her today for the longest time ever!

"I'll be right out" I replied.
I got out of the shower and slipped on my towel.
I slowly opened the door to reveal a tear stained Selena trying to cover her face.

"Ohh sel" I cooed and grabbed her into a hug.

"I know I don't want you to leave, but I am so proud of you Lace" she sobbed.

"That is all I wanted to hear Sel, i will call you as soon as I get there...I promise" I whispered.

I was starting to tear up. Which is weird because I rarely ever cry.
I guess u really was going to miss her.

After an extremely emotional goodbye we finally parted ways for the first time in 22 years.
Boy this was tough.

After Sel left I decided to finish of getting ready and just pick some food up at the airport.
I shoved on some Adidas yoga pants with an oversized Black and white Adidas jumper which belonged to my ex boyfriend...Aaron.
Oh how I despised him.
He cheated on me 3 times and each time I took him back.
Mug or what?
I know what you're thinking...I'm still in love with him.
Well trust me you are wrong.
I am so over him.
We split up about 3 months ago, and it was probably the best day of my life. I didn't realise how much be brought me down until I left him. He was heartbroken, but I wasn't.
He deserved all of the pain he got because that is how me made me feel when we was together.

I decided to double check my luggage because I always forget something. I mean always.
I had 1 big suitcase and a big carry bag. I would just buy clothes over there, I mean it was the beginning of May, it would start getting warm over their.
Barcelona ay. I just kept thinking to myself.
What a dream.

I finally decided to leave my house and make my way to the airport.
As I was leaving my house I took one long look back at the place and smiled.
This had been my home since I was born.
I had never moved before.
This was definitely a new experience.
An experience I knew I would not forget.
*At Barcelona airport*
That was the longest flight known to man.
It was legit horrible.
Was this a sign of what was to come?
Or was I just thinking too much into this...yeah probably that.
It was a cheap airline.

I stepped off of the plane and the Barcelona sun hit my skin like a slap to the face.
I had been many places before but surprisingly never Barcelona.
Even though I had a cousin that lived here, I had never visited.
Me and my cousin were extremely close when we were younger but we lost contact as we grew up.
He was extremely busy with his work and I was busy with mine.
We texted every now and then but not too often.
I missed him a lot.
He had a girlfriend now, who I had obviously never met, they had a daughter too.
He seemed to have it all.
The gorgeous girlfriend, the cute baby and the rich and famous lifestyle.
Yeah you heard and famous.
My cousin was Marc Bartra, the FC Barcelona player.
As soon as I had asked him if I could stay with him he was so excited!
Like I said we were super close as children, we used to play football for hours and hours on end in his back garden. He always won of course.
I was always quite the Tom boy when I was younger, I think he is going to have a shock when he sees me now.
I had obviously seem photos of him and watched his games, but he hadn't a clue what I looked like.
Everybody always told me that we had the same eyes.
I don't really remember but apparently we looked extremely alike.
I guess we are family, it's nothing out of the ordinary.

After I had collected my luggage I went through to the main section of the airport where there were crowds of people all crowding round a tree.
What on earth?
I really wasn't interested...I just wanted to find Marc.
My phone started to ring.
"Hello" I answered.

"Hey it's me, Marc"

"Oh hey Marc, where are you? I can't see you over the crowd" I stated, still looking around for him.

"Yeah you won't see me, because I'm not there, I have sent one of my friends to pick you up...that urm probably explains the crowd" he stuttered.

"What? Who is it? Marc oh god who have you sent?" I was so not in the mood for this, it was late at night and all I wanted was to sleep.

"He will find you trust me, I got held up with Melissa and Gala! Gala hasn't been very well and she wouldn't sleep if I left her side and..."

"Marc it's okay" I interrupted laughing. "I'll just wait here"

"Oh thankyou so much, I can't wait to see you!"

"You too Marc, I'll see you soon" I said and hung up"

After another 10 minutes of waiting finally security came and helped this poor man who was picking me up.
It was quite funny to see somebody stuck in a crowd of girls.
I guess that means he was attractive then.
Finally the crowds were gone revealing a tall, tan skin man covered in tattoos.

Oh Damn.
He slowly stared walking over to me.
He was so hot.
Oh god don't freak Lacey don't freak.

"Hey urm I'm Neymar and I'm supposed to be taking you home?" He asked.

Oh god...this was going to be a fun ride home.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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Flying Love (Neymar Junior)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon