Chapter 1

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I love sleep.
Sleep if most definitely the most underrated prospect of life. I mean I just think that it is amazing, how you can simply forget about every little detail of your life for at least 6 hours. Then live all of your wildest fantasies in your dreams.
But you know what I don't love?
Being woken up.
Now that is the only part of sleep that I do not love.
So that is why you can probably imagine I am not in the best of moods this morning...because I am currently being woken up by my stupid phone ringing.

After a mental debate in my head on whether or not I should answer the phone or not I decided on leaving it...nothing is more important than my sleep right now.
I barely get any sleep as it is, i mean my job is very demanding and I mostly work night shifts and I simply just cannot sleep during the day time...I just can't do it. Therefore I get barely any sleep.
Anyway I'm sick of talking about sleep, let's get me some sleep.
Just as I drifted off my phone rang again.
Instead of just letting it ring this time or ignoring it, I decided to answer it.

"Hello" I groggily managed to say.

"Girl, you better get your arse up right now because we are going out" my bestfriend Selena shouted all too loudly down the phone.

"Selena it's..." I stopped to check my phone for the time "It's 12:45 in the afternoon...whoops"
I seriously hadn't intended on sleeping in this long, it definitely didn't feel like I had slept that long.

"I'm coming to pick you up in 30 minutes so you better be ready" she exclaimed and hung up.

She is a nightmare.
She knows I didn't intend on getting dressed today, I never get any time off of work so when i do all I want to do is sleep. I can shop or do whatever when I'm at work.
I guess you are wondering what my job is, well I am an air hostess for British Airways and I have been for 3 years now. I love my job I really do, I wouldn't change it for the world. You get to see so many different places and experience so many amazing things around the world.
All in a day's work.
A 22 year old like me would never be able to afford the places that I get to see with a normal 9-5 job, trust me I have had many of them.

After about 10 minutes feeling sorry for myself I decided to actually get up and make use of the 40 minutes I actually had to get ready. Yep you heard me...40 minutes.
Selena was never on time I repeat NEVER.
I got up did my buisness, applied my makeup, shoved on some jeans and an over sized jumper I got from Topshop and did a half up and half down hair do.
My hair was not too long but not too short, it was a blondey browney colour which I could never describe to people, you have to actually see it to understand what I am talking about but anyway.
I then sprayed my Jimmy Choo flash perfume and decided to check social media...a must on a morning and an evening.
It was always the same shit, full of celebrities with their big fancy cars and gold teeth.
I seriously need to unfollow a lot of people on here.
I actually had quite a few followers on Twitter and Instagram due to the fact I had a popular YouTube channel called "comeflywithlacey".
Yes that is my name...Lacey. Girly isn't it? Thanks mum.
I vlogged my way around the world and managed to pick up a lot of subscribers. As of now I had 434,000 which I don't think is bad going.
After checking my social media I noticed the little red number 1 on the top of my callers section, a missed call.
Oh shit.
I had completely forgot somebody rang me earlier.
It was an unknown number that I had obviously never seen before.
I rang it back anyway, I have never been one of those idiots that is scared to answer or ring back an unknown number.
A very posh sounding man answered the phone and my heart instantly jumped at the first 5 words that he cheerfully spoke. I wasn't sure whether my ears were deceiving me or I was still actually asleep ( with abit of luck) but I couldn't not believe it.

"Hello this is Qatar airways...we are extremely glad you called back".

Flying Love (Neymar Junior)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora