as if reading my mind he said “That’s hurtful” but with amusement.

 He gripped my face with his other hand his nails dug into my cheeks producing tear in my eyes and blood to drip down my throat.  “Im not that bad”

“no,” I glared “your worse!” skin to skin was all I herd my face flying to the side he’d slapped me and mighty hard. I felt the imprint of his hand throbbing.

“Doesn’t disrespect me or I shall break your other ankle”

He voice now deeper and more deadlier had my skin crawl I could slowly feel my composure and my wall keep the fear from showing start to crumble away. He was not normal what normal guy had red eyes and a voice that sounded like he belonged in the exorcism.

“You’re a fucking psycho” I spat.

“Why thank you” he grinned not that that was something to grin about. This guy really needed help.

“Now where were we?”

  His hand continued up my thigh landing in-between my  legs rubbing against my panties.

I felt like throwing up.

This man I hated with all my being for making my best friends life a living hell touching me I could only imagine what my boyfriend would think. I wish he were here

I wish it were his hands and not this sicko.

It didn’t take a fool to know he was going to rape me. That only crumbled my walls more.

 his fingers slid under the side of  my panties and I felt his nails drag  across my skin as he reached the center pushing into as he pushed in and out of me I felt like  throwing up I felt disgusting. In my head I wish my man would suddenly know where I was and break down the door and save me. I hoped I prayed but nothing came as he continued to do this to me.  

“Mmm your no virgin I feel” he winked “but that’s okay” he pulled from me licking his fingers “mmm tasty” what a fucking sicko!!

Scream for help. I don’t know why I hadn’t done it from the beginning but it suddenly came to mind I drew in the biggest amount of air my lungs could take and started to scream not even a second into my screams hed shut me up with his hand while his other worked on pulling off my underwear.

“no one will hear you, no one will come and save you”

his breath cold as ice hit my neck where he started to plant feathery kisses that made my inside crawl in disgust out of nowhere he pulled out a cloth he tied it around my head covering my mouth tying it so tight I felt little blood rushing to my head.

“this is going to be fun” he smiled unbuckling his black pants ripping down the zip pushing the material down to his knees kneeling in front of my naked lower half.

“It may hurt for you though”

Fear doubled within me as he positioned himself between my legs which he forcefully held open after id tried to clamp them shut. This was it.

 “Please” I begged even though I knew it was useless. But I tried I begged behind the cloth.

“Begging?” he grinned “I never pegged you to be the begging type, Raph, I must say it’s quite a turn on” he dragged out my name; tears spilled my cheeks I hissed when they ran over the wounds from his nails. 

“Please” I tried again but he only ignored me laughing maliciously.

 With one rough thrust he forced himself inside while I cried in pain he was bigger than anyone id had intercourse with and much rougher I felt every rip and tear he cause while he continued to rape me.  I felt his hand grip my hips forcing them back into him I felt his nails tearing my skin without a care in the world.

I felt everything.

I was being raped by my best friend’s stalker. And I couldn’t stop him I was weak sore bleeding and tied at the hands and mouth. All I could do was lay there and take it, feel it.

 I was raped for the next half hour tortured; no guy ever lasted that long that I knew of. He was definitely different. Not in the good sense either.

every time I thought hed be ending it hed only  speed up by  the  20 minuet mark I was aching all over I was bleed all over my head felt light and I let the darkness consume me rather then staying awake and feeling it all.

I let the darkness consume me and my pain in hopes that when I woke up id be somewhere safe and find it all was just some night


so i dont know why some of its bigger text the the other i dont know how to fix it sorry! :/

anyways sorry i havnt updated in awhile but i have been workng on the chapter its just coming along slow. i dont like putting up a chapter i havnt put my all into or think is not good enough .. i like to have afew days to look it over and improve :)

so i can diliver better chapters for you to read :) i love writing this story :)

writing this chapter had me cringing abit i hate the thought of r*pe and asault. its a horrible thing! obviously.  


anyway im obsessed with mayday parade. !! :)

just thought id say so.

oh yeah check out my other story "The secret life of my step dad and his son"

okay thank you for all the fans who read , comment, vote and add this story to their library! :) means the world like i always say !! your probably sick of hearing it but i honestly am so greatful! :D 


song for today - Still breathing - Mayday parade :)

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